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Melissa's pov

I see Savannah sit down with a wide smirk marking her features. I have to help Jessica with this. We have that and together. I don't think Savannah has realised that I am sitting behind her.

"Hey, I have a super weird and cheesy pickup line for you." Jessica comments and I look up from the book.

"Alright, let's hear it." I smile.

"Are you a beaver?" She starts with a twinkle in her eye, "Cause damnnn, Girl!" She winks with her mouth open. I laugh.

Jessica joins in and we sit holding our stomachs as they hurt so much from the laughter. Savannah turns around and glares. I smile sweetly at her and her eyes widen as she realise who I am.

"Hello Savannah!" I smile sweetly at her. Savannah gives me a beautiful fake smile.

"Look at you, Melissa! I hardly recognised you!" She says, trying to act genuine, but she can't hide the fact that she is as fake as white chocolate it. It is written all over her face. I actually feel sorry for her. She turns back around and I face Jessica once again.

"Jess, homecoming is coming up soon! Are you excited?" I ask excitedly to her, doing a happy dance.

"Extremely! Aren't you excited?" She said.

"Very! Have you got your dress, yet?" I ask, genuinely interested. I am nowhere near close to getting mine.

"Of course! I have had it since before the holidays even started!" She iterates, with a wide grin on her face. I laugh and shake my head. "What's so funny?" She asks, confused.

"That grin is the most cheesiest thing ever, second only to the moon." I said to her. She squeaks, and I look at her confused. Tears are streaming down her face, and it seems that all that is happening is she is laughing, but no sound is coming out. She keeps squeaking until I punch her arm. She rubs it and pouts at me.

"That was sore!" She punches me in my arm and I rub it too.

"That punch was harder than mine!" I groan and continue to rub the sore spot.

"Oh, shut up, cupcake! Hey, you didn't answer my question. Do you have your dress or not?"

"You sound like my mother." I comment and she rolls her eyes and punches me once again in the arm.

"Hey!" I shout and the teacher lifts her eyes to look at us. I smile innocently at her. "Whatever. I am going shopping this afternoon." I explain and Jessica nods. I take this as my opportunity to punch her once again.

"Seriously?" She shakes her head "And yay!" She claps her hands together.

"We should totally do a get ready together thing on the day. I've always wanted to do that. I've tried to convince Nicky to do it with me but she always complains that she wants it to be a surprise. Anyway, we can help each other look amazing! You, Allison and I. Man, that will be super fun." She suggests and dances on her seat.

I look up and see that Allison has finally graced us with her presence. Late, as usual. She waves at me and sits in her seat next to mine.

"So, how was the afternoon yesterday? Where you and I were going through a period of radio silence?" I comment, pretending to be mad. Allison rolls her eyes.

"Childish as always, Mellie. It was very good thank you. Very peaceful too. Wonder why that is..." She gives me a pointed look. I mock hurt.

"I take offence to that." I say, and gently punch her arm, and being the drama queen that she is, she rubs it. Well, I can't really speak... Can I?

"Well, I hope you aren't expecting other peaceful afternoon with all our shopping we are going to get done. I hope you are ready for it! We are going to shop up a storm!" I wiggle my eyebrows and she shakes her head.

"Dude! I can't wait!" She replies with that little signature sparkle in her eyes.

"So, who's the new girl, who has been in our school for a few days, but I haven't seen nor noticed before?" Allison whispers, pointing to Savannah.

"She moved into our class, this term. She was in my primary school. She bullied me the entire year I was there. She's terrible." I whisper and Allison forms a fist in the one hand and cups it with the other.

"Don't worry, Mel. I won't let her get to you! That bitc-" Allison starts, but I cut her off.

"Hey, language! But thanks, best friend. I am so thankful I have a ninja for a best friend." I pretend to wipe a fake tear from my eye.

The next periods before break went very quickly, much to my relief. The bell rang for break and Allison and I made our way to the cafeteria. We walked to our seats and we both sat and pulled out our lunch.

I squealed when I looked inside my lunch box, only to find some of my favourite cookies on the planet inside. There were only two delicious Oreos present, and I decide that I am going to eat them very quickly before anyone notices I had any.

I literally just stuffed both Oreos into my mouth, when suddenly, the lights went off and loud music started playing...

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now