Twenty One

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This is damn scary. I had to be lifted up by our two guys and the had to stand on their shoulders, then, I had to do a flip,more like a flop, from them onto the ground. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no...

"GO! GO GOOOOOO!" shouted the cheerleaders in harmony. They formed a circle around us, and well, that's my cue. Here goes....

I jumped, did a slight flip, opened my eyes and looked. My feet were on the ground! Woooooo! I did it. Wait... I DID IT! My feet were a little sore but it was okay.

The crowd roared. Today is one of the most important games of the entire football season. It was one of a few which will be determining which league our school is in. So the players are on extreme edge, as are we.

The cheerleaders did a small huddle, and coach Catherine, our cheerleading team coach lead us in another cheer.


By the time the game was almost over, the score board read as follows,
Our school-24

It was like everyone was holding their breath. The cheerleaders were nervous. I even caught a glimpse of the football coach. I giggled at the sight of him. He was pacing at the sideline of the field. His hand rubbing his chin, and clipboard in hand. He looked exactly like he was meant to be in one of those cheesy football movies.

I spotted Allison in the crowd. She was clapping and looking at us. My lovely supportive friend. I gave her a quick smile, and we were back to our cheers.

Our final routine was great. Coach Catherine was happy with us. She was smiling and clapping, when the final whistle, indicating that the game was over, we screamed one last cheer.

We held a quick team meeting, then we went to congratulate the boys. I gave a lot of them fist pumps. And they smiled back. I even managed to avoid a hug from Matthew. Allison walked onto the field, and gave Brandon a water bottle, and he gave her a peck on the cheek. I made a gag reflex.

"Gross you guys!" I shouted at them.

"Oh shut up!" Allison fires back. I rolled my eyes.

"Well done out there Melissa." Brandon complimented.

"Hey, thanks Brad. You played really well." I grinned at him.

He hated that nickname. Him and Allison started talking about something. I was starting to very bored.

"Bye Brandon!" I shouted and started dragging Allison away.

"CALL ME LATER!" She shouted to him. He nodded and grinned.

"You know Alli, that I am so glad that you finally got to be with Brandon." I admitted to her, finally stopping dragging her when we reached the school.

"Me too. He is such a nice guy!" She said. I laughed at her comment.

"You are crazy!" I stared

"I wouldn't talk! You went with Cameron to the dance!" She said annoyed.

"Yip." She then burst out laughing.

"We are such weirdos." I said.

"Agreed." She replied.


Yesterday's win was announced in assembly. As usual, I zoned out on most of the other announcements. Stuff about a study workshop and a meeting involving a maths competition. Boring.

Then, I zoned back in, when something was said about the cheerleading club. I had actually started enjoying cheerleading. The excitement of it. That moment, when your shouting starts to make the team hold their heads higher. And they carry on, even when they are tired.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now