Twenty Seven

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I looked at Steven. I could see he was doing the exact same thing I was doing. Trying to guess the surprise. Eventually he turned to me.

Steven mouthed 'car' I shrugged. I mouthed 'house' he shook his head. Steven mouthed 'hoverboard' I smiled.

Maybe we are getting hover boards. The car stopped in front of the house and we climbed out. A lady came out.

"Welcome! Please do come in. The surprises are inside!" She told us kindly. So, she was in this too. Hmmmmm...

Steven and I looked at each other with a damn wide grin. She then led us to her fancy lounge.

"Wait here." And she walked off in her high heels.

Mom and dad smiled at us.

I then heard her loud high heels again. She opened the door, and in ran a bunch of little clouds. Wait, and another one, and yet one more. Eventually, there were five little clouds in the room. They weren't actually clouds, but rather snow white husky puppies.

"Hey baby

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"Hey baby." I said to the smallest one

It looked up at me with the cutest button eyes.

"How many is the family getting?" The lady asked my dad.

"Two." Dad said. Steven and I looked at each other in excitement.

"So how do we decide which ones we get?" Steven asked.

"You don't. They do." The lady said, and pointed to the puppies.

"Go on, play with them." She said.

I have never had a dog before, however, I have always wanted one. This is like a dream. I got down on the floor and a little one ran over to me. It started to lick my face. It tickled.

Eventually, I was on the floor and the puppy was on top of me, licking my face.

"This one is a little boy." The lady, also known as Sandra said, "I think he already has decided."

"Your turn Steven." Mom said.

I sat with my legs crossed. The puppy came and sat next in between my legs. I rubbed its soft head.

Steven went on the floor. The four puppies were playing with each other. Eventually, even my little dog joined.

When Steven sat down, none of them really took notice. Then, suddenly, a little yelp came from the bundles. And a little puppy ran behind Steven with its tail behind its legs. It was so adorable.

"Nawwww... Steven. The puppy protector." I giggled. He rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, the little dog jumped on top of Steven. It started to lick his scratch. He yelped as he still had the stitches in it. The puppy tilted its head.

"Shame man, it doesn't understand." Mom said.

"The 'it' is a she." Sandra said, "I think she likes you."

"It's settled then. Brothers and sisters. A little girl for Steven, and a little boy for Melissa." Dad said.

I picked up my little boy. Steven picked up his little one too.

As we drove out the drive way, we waved to Sandra. My puppy started licking me like I was an ice cream.

Dad then pulled off. He then drove to a pet store.

"Amelia, can you stay in the car with the dogs, while I go with Steven and Mel, to go get 'dog supplies'? " he asked my mom. She nodded.

We climbed out the car. And walked into the shop.

We walked over to the dog food. We got the puppy food off the shelf. We then walked to get dog collars.

Steven eyed a little pink collar with a bow for his little one, and I saw a blue collar with mustaches on it.

Steven eyed a little pink collar with a bow for his little one, and I saw a blue collar with mustaches on it

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Then, we walked over to the dog beds

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Then, we walked over to the dog beds. We took a really cute grey couch thingie.

 We took a really cute grey couch thingie

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They would look so cute sleeping in it. My heart soared at the thought. We also bought food bowls.

We then got back into the car, and my dog came and sat on my lap. Cutie pie.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now