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This chapter is dedicated to my grandparents.


I nodded at the nurses statement. Do miracles really exist? God is a God of power and might. He is a God of miracles. So yes. I do believe in miracles.

"Anyway sugar, I have to go check on other patients. You go speak to him." She said as she walked by.

As I faced Steven, I bit my life in sadness. I looked at the machines. The beeps were slow and held a promise. He was stable. I closed my eyes and sat on his bed.

"Do you know that you are missing almost an entire season of football? Our team is winning a few games, but we draw with a lot of the schools. They need you Stevie." I say and run his arm.

I looked at him again. He looked so peaceful and oblivious to everything that surrounds him. I turned as the door opened. My grandparents walked in.

"Hey Grandma and Granddad." I said to both of them.

"Hey kiddo. Let's see the football king." Grandad said and they walked up to Steven's bed. If Steven could hear the last statement, he would have smiled so wide that his ears would get red.

My grandparents looked at the dead weight that lay in a lump on the bed, and the football.

"You brought his favourite stuff?" my grandma asked. I nodded.

"Yes. Though the lightsaber was so that he could fight off the coma monsters." I grinned as I said that.

"I never knew that he liked Starwars." my grandad questioned.

"He really does. He really is a nerd when it comes to it. He got the lifesaber then he was small and we used to play sword fighting together. I would use a metal serving spoon and he would fight me with his lifesaber. I always had to be the bad guy." I said as I remember what we used to do when we were much younger.

My grandma burst out laughing, and my grandad had a sheepish grin on his face. My grandad put his hand on Steven's foot and my grandmother copied, but she held Steven's hand.

"So Steven. Looks like the car got you down hey? But hey, that never got you down before!" My granddad said.

"What happened to my determined young man that I used to know?" My grandma replied. Silence followed. We stayed there for a few minutes, with only the sound of the machines steadily beating.

"Anyway Stevie. We have to go now." My grandparents said to him.

"Already? Don't you want to say a few words?" I asked.

"We did this morning. Also kiddo, I think it's time for your dad to come home isn't it?" my grandad answered.

I nodded eagerly and my grandmother wrapped her arm around me.

We turned around to leave and walked into Dad's room.

Steven's pov

They were here! Melissa, and Grandad and grandma! I have missed them so much. I could feel the slight form of the football on my stomach. The urge to grab it in my hands was so great. If only they could hear me. It feels so crazy to speak, but no sound comes, I can't move anything on my body, and with all my possible strength I possibly possess in my body is used just to try and open my eyes. I need to see the new cheerleader's face, her beautiful face. She became a cheerleader. For me.

Every time I heard her cry, it's like I want to grab and wrap my arms around her, but everyone I try, I can't. I just need to try a little harder. I can hear everything. How can I wake up from a horrible nightmare like this? If I have to use an extreme amount of strength to achieve something as simple as opening my eyes, how much strength will it take me to take a step?


Melissa's pov

As I was walking to Steven's room for one more goodbye, I bumped into a big wall. Actually, it felt like a wall, but it was a very muscular body of a guy.

"OHMF!!" I said as I toppled to the floor. The impact was bad, my head started to hurt. I started to rub it, and I looked up at the person I crashed into. He was staring at me with a cheesy grin on his very, very familiar face.

"Look what the cat dragged in!" He said with a smirk.

"I wonder what it is." I said sarcastically, looking around and rolled my eyes.

"Come give me a hug gorgeous."
I reached in for a hug from my brother's ex-best friend and my ex-boyfriend. You heard me. Cameron.

"So what are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Ummmm... wait, what are you doing here?" I asked him in reply.

"I asked you first." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I am not going to tell you unless, you tell me first." I said with a grin. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I came to check on my mom. She had an operation on her knee." He told me. "What about you?"

"Um..." I started but was cut off by someone else.

"Cameron...." a voice called.

"That's my cue. Check you later, and hey, I still want to know why your are here!" He said, and he ran off to a hospital room.

I looked down the corridor, to see if he was gone. Coast clear. And I walked into Steven's room.

I went to his bed and touched his hand. I would only see him again later in the week. It was weird not seeing him every day, I mean it has only been a week, but it feels like forever.

I heard footsteps outside in the corridor. Probably one of my family members telling me it us time to go.

I spun on my heel, to see who it was. I groaned when Cameron walked into the room.

His eyes went huge and his mouth dropped open as he caught sight of Steven.

"I... I am so sorry. Melissa, I had no idea." He whispered to me. I bit my lip.

"He is in a coma. He was in a bad accident. It only happened a week... no, two weeks ago... actually, I don't even know anymore..." I informed him.

"Last week? I thought that I didn't see him at the game. So, is that why you told me that 'I had no idea'?" He gave me a puzzled look.

"Look, Cam... Cameron... I don't need a pity party. Look he is doing just fine." I spun around to face Steven. The constant beeps of the heart machine were a break for the awkward silence. I spun back around to face Cameron.

"You know Melissa, I think I still love you." he said, but before I could reply, he disappeared out the room. I stood frozen, it felt like all my common sense dropped and shattered on the ground.

He still loved me.... But do I still love him?

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now