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Jessica's pov

The weekend passed like a flash. Melissa really cheered me up. I hate Mondays. They are like the bane of my existence. Who on earth decided that we would have five days of working and only two days of rest? Who actually invented the days? Like who names a day Tuesday... Where did that even come from? I shake my head, interrupting my thoughts.

The school comes into view soon, as I turn into it and find my parking. Now, being all the wiser about Savannah, I decide to avoid her the best I possibly can. I don't have the energy to confront her at the moment, and as for Matthew... Well... I think I will just act as if everything is normal. I'm sick of all this drama. I walk over to my locker, and I see in the distance their is a figure hovering very close by it. I swear if it's Savannah... I sure hope it isn't her... As I get closer, I realise that it is actually Nicky.

"Hey Jess, I-" she started but I cut her off with a hug.

"No. You don't need to apologise. It was my fault. Friends?" I interrupt as I squeeze her close to me. She holds me tight and sighs softly.

"Friends." She pulls away, with a big smile on her face. She links her and in mine and we walk up to my locker. We are back to normal. I feel as if the weight of the world is off my shoulders. I open my locker, and a small piece of paper falls to the floor. I look at it puzzled and pick it up.

Dear Jessica,

We regret to inform you that you position of cheerleader captain has been renounced and you will resume the position of a non-title cheerleader. This is due to the fact that there have been many complaints about your leadership. We will be appointing new Captains late this weekend.

Sports department

I burst out laughing as I read the letter. Nicky looks at me confused and I hand her the letter. It is so badly phrased and informal, that I knew it couldn't have possibly been true... and why would it be put in my locker of all places? Coach would've talked to me about it.

It isn't really the letter that shocks me, but the realisation that Savannah has started her reign of terror. She has only been here for a matter of days. Days. This must have been with the first item of her master plan to take over our school. What a bitch!

Nicky and I start to walk to our class. The corridors have started to fill up, as more people started to pile into the school. School is about to start, and I sigh it is the beginning of another long day again.


"Jessica?" someone called and my head snapped up. I groan and rub my cheek. Damn. I fell asleep in class. I sigh as I look up blurry eyed at the teacher. She doesn't seem bothered by the fact that I had just taken a nap in her class. I turn in my seat to look for the person who called my name.

I huff and I eye Matthew, who is staring at me intensely and mouthing my name. He looks up to see if our teacher is watching, and when he sees she is occupied with typing at an intense speed, he creeps across the class and sits in a conveniently seat next to me. "What do you want?" I spit, with every word laced with poison. He doesn't seemed bothered by my tone or the death glare I am currently giving him.

"Oh, nothing really, sunshine. I just wanted to talk to you." He comments, and I raise my eyebrow, scoffing at him.

"Well I don't want to talk to you. So go back to where you came from." I pick up my pencil and look down at the algebraic expression I have to work out.

"I wanted to know whether you would be doing the school play this year, and I thought that we could both audition. I mean, there is bound to be a kissing scene, and it's a good way to increase our popularity." He states and shrugs. I drop my pencil and turn to look at him slowly.

"No. I'm not." I snap. "Why are you still here?"

"It's Beauty and the Beast this year." He continues, and picks up my Maths book, and copies one of my answers. I snatch it back and whack him over the head.

"Oh, so you want to be the footstool?" I ask, smirking.

"No" He rolls his eyes, "I want to be the one who uses the footstool."

"Smelly feet?" I ask, "That would be even better! You would do so well!" I laugh and hold my sides as it hurts because I laugh so hard. Don't judge me. It's funny.

"I want to be the beast." He finishes. I put on a straight face.

"Well, at least you look the part. I think the personality in the beginning of the movie suits you. Arrogant, mean and super spoilt." I comment and he frowns.

"So, will you audition with me then?" His smirk reaches his eyes, and his hands grip my table. I move further away.

"No. You idiot. I am not going to audition at all, and if I was going to, I definitely wouldn't be doing it with you." I snap, and poke my finger at his chest. Then, I pick up my pencil again back and continue with my work.

The door opens and I look up and my heart sinks. The devil herself walks in, and as she does she winks at Matthew, who is still sitting in the seat next to me. He winks back, and my heart sinks further down into my chest. Savannah's eyes travel across the room until they land on me. She smirks, as if she has just seen the queen, and she walks over to her seat and glares at me as she sits down. I smile sweetly at her, and draw an arrow underneath the completed sum.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now