Twenty Six

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The doctors let me come home 3 days ago. I am almost bouncing off the walls. Steven is coming home today. It is Sunday, and tomorrow, it is spirit day. The whole school dresses up to celebrate. Basically, it is a damn huge party. It was announced that we would be having it because we won the season, along with Ridgewood, and Steven has returned to us.

The teams are dressing in their uniforms. That includes the cheerleaders. No one knows that Steven is coming home today, except the family. It is meant to be a huge surprise. It is going to be awesome. The school has arranged a whole welcome back Steven thing, but the rest of the school has no idea. I jumped out of bed and chucked on some clothes.

I ran down the stairs, and into the kitchen. We weren't going to church today, because Steven has one last doctor's appointment. Mom and dad were in the car already. I quickly grabbed an apple, and I jumped into the car.


The hospital looked rather sunny today. It's usually droopy feeling completely gone. Instead, the sun was shining brightly, with not a cloud in the sky. I smiled happily. We were greeted by Stevens doctor as we walked into Stevens room.

"Good morning to the Daniels." He said.

"Good morning." My mom said with a smile.

I flung the heavy back pack off my left shoulder on to my other shoulder. Why did I pack so much?

I walked over to Stevens bed. I didn't feel like hearing the boring conversation.

"Hey Mel." Steven said with a smirk.

"What's with the grin?" I asked.

"Oh it nothing. Just the fact that I am coming home today. Moron." He said, his signature smirk lining his face.

I rolled my eyes. I flung the backpack onto his bed.

"What's this little sis?"

"Take a look and see."

He unzipped the bag. Inside, was his favourite t-shirt and his Adidas, a pair of jeans and his football jacket.


"There's more."

He dug more into the bag. He brought out a wrapped box.

"What... what's this?"

"Open it." I shrugged.

He opened it.

"The newest iPhone model?" He asked

"Yup. Your phone went caboom. And we can't find it."

"Oh." He shrugged and smiled happily at his new one.

"Hey kiddo." Dad walked over.

"Go on and change." Mom said.

Steven walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he walked out with a real smile lining his face. The scar was still there, but it was a bit more faded.

I ran up and hugged him. He hugged me back.The doctors checked him out. When he got the all clear, we hopped into the car and drive off. It was so weird with Steven in the car again.

As we were coming to the turnoff to our house, dad turned the car into the another road.

"Ummmm... dad wrong street." I stated.

"Going another way." Dad said

"Okay." I replied.

I started out the window. Dad put on the indicator. We turned into a long driveway, and dad rang the doorbell.

I lifted my eyes brows. Then I looked at Steven. He did the same.

The Gate opened. And dad drove inside.

"Must I tell them?" Mom said in a loud whisper.

"Yeah, go ahead." Dad replied.

"We have a little surprise for the two of you." She said

Steven and I started to grin. Surprises? I love surprises.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now