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I bite my lip and turn around in disgust. I wonder if I should tell Jessica. If it were me, I would certainly want to know about it. i continue to search the room, and spot the sun decoration on the far end of the classroom. Luckily, I can sneak past the two secret lovers, without them noticing me. I quickly squeeze in and out of the shelves and pick up the huge sun, and since it is made out of polystyrene, it's extremely light. I walk to the door of the class, and I take one last look at the two kissing. It seemed to get more and more disgusting the longer I look at them. I squirm, and I run out the classroom, as fast as I possibly can.

As I walk into the gym, my mouth falls open in surprise. It seemed to be even more beautiful than it was when I had left. How Jess did this in the 5 minutes I was gone, is some mind of miracle.

"Whoa! Nice Jess!" I shouted still carrying the big yellow sun, which by the way, was almost bigger than me.

The gym looked like I had walked into space. The sun, which was now being put up was the centre piece, as it was one of the biggest decorations in the gym. There were stars scattered everywhere that the eyes could see and the planets hung above my head. There were rockets and satellites, and finally there were even astronauts and a moon. People are still putting the finishing touches on the stage. It looked like a planet, and on top of it, were the homecoming King and Queen thrones. There were alien looking plants and other structures. It looks fantastic.


In the cafeteria, I walked up to the table and sat down. I needed to talk to my best friend, alone.

"Hey Al, I need to tell you something." I said, looking worried.
She knew it was something bad, so she made up a random excuse, for us to leave the table. Cheerleaders want to know all the gossip, which means that you can't say anything that you want to stay private at this table, unless you want it to be everyone's daily juicy news.

"Hey guys, we are going to the ladies room, be back now." Allison said to the cheerleaders. They all nodded, and continued on in their conversations.

"Bye Alli!" A few shouted.

"Someone's become popular amongst the popular!" I sang. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. Bianca is in my art class and Sarah is in geography with me, so I guess we got friendlier than before." Alli told me proudly.

"I'm really happy for you." I replied, linking my arms in hers and giving her a hug.

As we reached the bathroom, I followed Allison into one of the bathroom stalls.

Then I told her what I had seen earlier today between Nicky and Matthew, my smile had faded and the expression that was left was a very solemn one.

"I need your advice. I walked into the storeroom to get a few odds and ends for the gym and I saw Matthew and Nicky kissing." I whispered.

"Ewww!! Don't you like him?" My oh-so-knowledgeable best friend asked quietly.

"Not anymore I don't! That was like in the 7th grade!" I shouted back in a whisper.

"So what should I do?" I asked.

"You need to tell Jess." she hesitated a bit.

"But.... what will she say?"I asked.

"I dunno. It's not like I'm a mind reader. She needs to know." I nodded.

My plan of action involved me talking to Jessica after practise. I am going to ask her how the rest of the prom preparations are going and then I'm going to have to break the bad new to her.

Allison and I were about to leave the bathroom, when Jessica came storming I through the door, tears streaming down her face. Allison and I looked at each other. Oh dear.

"Jess..." I shouted, and ran up to her.

She buried her head on my shoulder.

"He... He... And... Nicky... Kissing..." she said, losing some of her words through her sobs.

"I know, I know. I'm here." I said as I comforted her, pulling her tighter.

"You do?" she asked sniffing. I nodded sadly.

"I saw them kissing, I was going to tell you after practise. He's such a jerk!" I said to her and comforted her more.

"Oh, Mel, you are such a good friend! I can't believe that Nicky of all people would do this to me!" She complained to me. I nodded and lead her into the bathroom.

"I know this is hard, but you need to show them that you are strong. This is about a stupid guy. Don't cry in front of him. He doesn't deserve that satisfaction." I advise. Jessica nods and whispers her face.

"Do I look fine?" She asks, her eyes are a bit red, but she still looks beautiful. I nod. The three of us walked back into the cafe and sat down. Allison and I started chatting away about homecoming, while Jessica gave Nicky a death stare, and joined in our conversation.

I wonder how she found out, someone must have told her,but who? I mean, wasn't I the only one who had seen them?

The bell rang and we walked to class, I had biology as did Jess. We walked together to the class.

"Hey Jess." I start. "I was wondering, who told you about Matthew and Nicky?" I asked, they say curiosity killed the cat, but whatever.

"No one. I saw them." she said. Her smile gone from her face again.

"I am really sorry." It was kinda awkward. I mean what do you say? Does she want sympathy or not?

"He is just a silly douchebag anyway. I don't really care." she said, although I could see that she didn't really mean it.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now