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As I stand outside Jessica's door, I ring the doorbell, and wait for an answer. The door opens and a very tired and a very sad looking Jessica stands in the doorway. Her normally bright eyes are red and swollen, and the smile which is usually on her face is gone completely. She looks terrible.

"Eh... what are you doing here?" She asks, looking a bit surprised at my unannounced visit. I smile sadly.

"I bought these." I hold up an Oreo chocolate slab and a bunch of bright flowers, "I also thought you could use a friend." I smile and give her a hug.

"Really?" She asks, as if she can't quite believe it, and she tries to look happy. "Thank you Melissa."

"You don't have to put on a facade for me. I know that you aren't happy or fine for that matter. That's why I am here for you." I comfort.

She stands in the doorway, staring at me in shock. I bite my lip, and bounce on my heels, becoming uncomfortable. She is still holding the door open, but she looks extremely tried. I shake my head, chuckling to myself.

"Ummmm... can I come inside?" I finally ask, with a smile on my face.

"Oh yeah, sure, sorry." She responds, shaking her head. I giggle, and she steps aside, leading me into her living room.

"What are you watching?" I ask, looking at the tv screen. The room is dark, but the bright tv illuminates the room easily.

"Um..." She starts, as she grabs the remote."Nothing." She is about to turn the tv off, but I stop her quickly, as I realise which movie she is watching.

"Is that the live action Cinderella...One of the greatest movies of all time?" I shout, giving her a fright.

"Ummmm... Yeah?" She replies, unsure of my reaction.

"Yes! Let's watch it please! It's my favourite movie at the moment!" I squeal in delight, and slump into the couch. Jessica laughs at my antics and follows suit, playing the movie. She hands me a bowl of popcorn and breaks the slab of a chocolate, giving me a few people.

Eventually, the movie comes to an end. I turn to Jessica. I think that what she really needs is a one on one girl talk. "So Jess, tell me more about you. Let's get your mind off the douche. This is not about him. It's about you." I order. She nods.

"Where do I start..." She taps her chin, "Not many people know this, in fact, you are probably the first to know at school. I have an older sister  who is in university. I love her to bits, but it always feels like I am always standing in her shadow. Everyone congratulates my parents on how lucky they are to have her. It feels that I am always being overlooked." She admits, and shakes her head sadly.

"But-" I start, but she quickly cuts me off, by shaking her head.

"However, my parents say that they love us the same. They are happily married, but my dad is away on a business trip. So I don't really see him much." She pauses, and bites her lip. "Melissa, I know we said that we shouldn't talk about him, but I need to know, where did you see Matthew and Nicky kissing?" She blurts.

"Actually..." I started, but hesitated. Would it help her to know?

"What? Please tell me."she begged, looking expectantly at me.

"Matthew and Nicky weren't kissing." Jessica's eyes widen. "Savannah and Matthew were kissing. I thought it was Nicky, but it actually wasn't. I was going to tell you about it, as I figured it out yesterday, at school, but you had gone home." I continued. Jessica looked wide eyed at me.

"Who is Savannah?" Jessica asked.

"I went to Ridgewood primary school. A girl named Savannah was always the popular one, she was the one who charmed everyone into liking her. But when I went to highschool, I moved here because what Savannah wants, she gets. She bullied me quite hectically, and she basically turned almost everyone against me. So I left."

"That's terrible. She really is a cow." Jessica said with sincerity.

"So it continues... Savannah, I have heard, moved to Eastwood High. In fact, the day I found her kissing Matthew was her first day. She apparently moved because her parents couldn't afford to pay for Ridgewood. I found out about it yesterday in fact." I told her.

"But I was so sure that I saw Nicky and Matthew, you know kissing." I nodded.

"Here's the crazy thing. Savannah looks almost the same as Nicky. As a matter of fact I think that-" I started but Jessica cut me off.

"She has a half sister!!! She has told me about her. They don't really know each other, but they share the sam Dad. They don't live together." Jessica interrupted.

"So that's why the resemblance is so great, and why you and I both mistook them. However, I am warning you. Savannah is a snake. She will try to steal your friends, your Cheerleading position, your boyfriend, and try to turn everyone against you. Trust me. I know." I warn.

"The funny thing is, is that Nicky sent a message to me saying she was sorry." Jessica stated.

"Didn't you guys get into a fight?" I asked.

"Yeah we did, wait how did you know?" She admits.

"Er... news travels really fast when you sit at the cheerleading table." I say.

"It was only an insignificant squabble over what routine we should use!" She shouted as the realisation hit her.

"So does Nicky think that you are mad at her for that?" I asked.

"Probably." she said, "I will call her up this afternoon."

"Good. Now please, remember my warning." She nods. "It's getting late. I better get home." I smile.

"Thanks Mel, for being there for me, especially through this tough time. I must sound like such a drama queen." Jessica said to me. I shake my head.

"Hey, anything for a friend in need." I said and hugged my newly found friend, who too was hurting. However, this wasn't the end of it. Hell was still going to break loose.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now