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Four days. It's been four days of torture. I forced myself to attend school on Friday, and Today, Monday. I haven't told a soul about what happened, except for Allison who has let me lean on her through these past few days. She comforts me through long phone calls, and I have never felt closer with her.

Rumors are spreading like wildfire around the school, regarding Steven's mysterious disappearance. Some say that he has been suspended for taking drugs. Others say that he has run away, because he was not the person we thought he was. Others think he has somehow gotten a girl pregnant, and has left to help her look after the baby. I have no idea where they got that one from and I snapped at them rather harshly, furious at their false claims. Even now, walking around the school, whispers follow me and I glare at every single person I see whispering as I walk past.

My father has finally woken up, but he is still weak and very tired, and I haven't seen him much. The doctors won't let me in to see Steven. Apparently, his condition is still critical. He really needs to wake up soon, and the doctors fear brain damage.

I walk into the hospital. Finally, I have the car all to my self. I scoff at my thoughts. I would give up the car any day if Steven would only wake up. My mother finally told me what actually happened. Dad was driving with Steven to the advanced driving course. It was their turn to drive as the traffic light turned green, however, there was a truck who slipped the stop completely, and plummeted into their car. This caused a pile up, and Steven and Dad were in the worst of it, crushed by the truck and other cars. There is hardly anything left of the car because the damage is so bad.

I walk into the hospital ward. My mother is already here, as she has been for the past four days. We have been living on take away food, namely McDonald's, and Allison's mother has given us a few meals as well. My mom doesn't have the heart to cook. She only goes home to change clothes, sleep for only four hours, because she cannot sleep otherwise, and the rest of the time, she sits in the hospital waiting room, or in my father's room when she is allowed in. I walk up to the receptionist.

"Same room?" I ask. She nods. I walk along the familiar long corridors of the hospital, the smell of sterile floors and walls burning my nostrils as I walk. I catch sight of my father's room and walk in. Mom is by his side as per usual. She looks up at me. My father sits there, his eyes open, for once.

"Hey honey. Dad's awake." She says, giving me a half smile, which doesn't reach her eyes. I walk over to the bed and sit down in a chair next to it. 

"Hey Dad." I say and hold his hand, which was lying on the hospital bed. His finger is hooked up to the heart rate monitor, and my father looks at me with tired eyes.

"Hey Kiddo." He whispers weakly, "It's so nice to see your beautiful face again."

"You too Dad." I sit on the bed next to him, "How are you feeling?"

"Terrible. All that these painkillers seem to do is make me more tired than I already am." He admits. I frown and rubs his shoulder.

The door suddenly flings open and the doctor bursts into the room. "I have great news!" My heart soars with joy, but disappointment fills my body as the doctor announces what the great news really is. "Steven has been moved to his own private room! He is still in a coma though. You may go see him now." He states. My shoulder slump. He's not awake. He's still not awake. My mom looks at my dad who nods, giving us permission to go. We head down the corridors and follow the doctor.

"This way." The doctor leads us to us room. He opens the door and leads us in. "I will leave you three alone." He closes the door again as he walks out.

The sight in front of me almost knocks me off my feet. Steven is lying in the middle of a bed, with pipes plugged into him. The gentle beep of the machines is the only thing that breaks the silence of the room, making me want to throw the silly machine across the room. My twin brother is hardly recognisable as he lies there. He is as white as a ghost, and the pipes cover most of his face. My heart breaks at the sight of him in the bed. I rush over to him and take his hand.

"My baby." My mother says, rubbing his leg under the sheet.

"Mom, why is he so so pale?Where has the real Steven gone?" I ask aloud. She shakes her head sadly, and a tear falls down her cheek.

"I don't know honey. I wish I could just take him into my arms and then everything will be alright again, if I was there-" she starts.

"Mom, there was nothing you can do. There still is nothing you can do. Look at him, he is breathing, he's still alive right?" I say aloud, and I realize that I am not trying to convince my mother anymore, I more trying to convince myself. He will be alright. I know he will. I hope he will, because I don't know how I'm going to live without my brother.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now