Twenty Eight

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The bed was put into the lounge.

The puppy sort of half climbed up the stairs as I went into my bedroom. I giggled and picked him up.

I flopped onto my bed and then picked up the puppy. I then dialed Alli's number.

"Hey friend, guess what!!!!!" I shouted.

"Geez!! Watch the ear. Watch the ear." Allison complained.

"Can you come over? Like now?" I asked.

"I be there in 10." She said.

I ended the call. I looked at the puppy on my bed. He did need a name.

"Bob... Smithy... nope... what about..." I said.

"Melissa!!" Mom yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back, "Come baby." I put the dog down it looled at me and tilted his head.

I ran down the stairs and he followed, and all you hear was the little click clack of his claws against the tiles.

"Why don't we name them together?" my mom asked. I nodded and walked into the lounge. I put the dog on the new bed.

"I was thinking, maybe Candy, or Colly?" Steven said. Mom and dad looked at each other.

"No." Dad and mom said at the same time. I laughed.

"Snowy?" I suggested.

"Naaaa..." Steven replied.

I looked at the snow dog. She was playing with a red ribbon.

"Scarlet!!!" I screamed.

Mom and dad looked at me. Steven nodded.

"Cute!" Mom shouted.

"Scarlet it is." Steven said. I beamed at him. The doorbell rang.

"Okay. Hide the puppies. Alli is coming over! I don't want her to see them just yet." I shouted in a whisper.

I ran to open the door. Allison was in the doorway smiling cheekily at me.

"Uh oh. Who did what? Why? And when?" I asked her.

"Ummm... "


"Brandon asked me out to a freakin real date!" She shouted quickly.

"What?That's amazing Alli" I shout back pulling her into a hug. She laughed.

I lead Allison inside, as I realised that she was still standing on the doorstep.

"So what's your surprise?" She asked me.

"Come see." I squealed.

Allison still didn't know about Steven. In fact no one did, except for the family and the school. Allison would find out about him tomorrow at Spirit day. Steven was upstairs in his room.

I whistled and the dogs came running out.

"Ahhhhh!!! Cuteness attack!!!" She shouted and bent down. The dogs ran up to her and jumped all over her.

"Meet Scarlet and Sammy." I said, and realised that the name u had just given him was perfect. Sammy is the cutest name ever. Sam for short.

"Awww... that's a nice name! " mom shouted from the lounge.

"Hey Aunt America and Uncle Rodger!" Alli shouted to my parents.

We went up to my room and we played with the puppies for a while.

"I am sorry, but Mel, I have to go. My parents and I are going out for supper. Thanks for letting me in on your surprise." She winked.

"I couldn't not let my friend in on such a big surprise." I felt a tinge bit of guilt as I said that. I was still hiding Steven from her. She smiled at me.

I gave her a hug and walked with her to the door. I waved goodbye and watched her car drive away. I ran back upstairs.

"Steven, can I come in? I don't want to see you naked." I shouted. We might be related, but I don't want to walk into that.

"It's fine. I'm all covered!" He shouted.

I opened the door and came in. Man, was it good to have my brother back. I sit on the couch in his room.

"It feels so good to be back. I am so excited for tomorrow." He said.

"I actually have some things to confess." I told him.

"Oh no." He said.

"Firstly, Cam and I are... well... um... officially a thing... I think..." I starred at Steven. His mouth was hanging open. "Secondly, Jess and I are best friends. I am the deputy cheerleader captain. Then, Ummm... I sit at the popular table with Alli, who is also a now cheerleader." Finally. I sucked in a deep breath. I had told him everything.

Steven's mouth was hanging open.

"A lot has changed." He stated.

"Yeah. It has." I shrug. He took it better than expected.

He laughed. "Except, why Cameron?"

Oh dear.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now