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Dedicated to my best friend. (This chapter kills me. I could not quite understand how much dollars actually buy... lol.)

Allison and I spun around. She looked at me with curiosity. I shrugged and did the same back.

In the doorway of the cafeteria, a figure of a guy appeared. His face was in darkness, so I couldn't quite figure out who exactly it was. He made his way over to the cheerleader's table, where Allison and I were sitting. Then the figure started to dance a very fancy choreographed hip hop dance, to the beat of the music. He was actually really good, he was doing backflips and other professional dance moves. That takes guts.

Suddenly, the music ended and a spotlight shone on a guy who I recognised but couldn't remember who it was. He is one for the football players on Steven's team. He ended the dance on his knees in front of Allison.

"Allison, will you go to the dance with me?" the very courageous young man asked. The whole school was waiting for the response. Allison giggled.

"Yes!" she shouted.

I finally recognized that the guy was actually Brandon. Allison's crush, of course, she likes him a bit more than Steven though. I looked at her and a deep blush had fromed on her cheeks. She smiled widely at me. I grinned at her back. Brandon nodded his thanks and gave Allison a hug. He then left to get his lunch.

We spun around and all the girls were smiling at Allison and give their congratulations.


Allison and I arrived at the mall very hungry. So we stopped at Burger King. We kept going to get drinks, as they were endless refills, and by the end, we were eventually so full.

"So aren't you excited? You finally got asked out by your crush!" I giggled excitedly to her.

"I know right. How could I not be excited?" she said. I saw a bright red blush forming on her checks, as I spoke about him. I just chuckled to myself.

"What?" She asked slapping my arm.

"You are sporting a lovely red blush to the cheeks, my dearest friend." I reply in a British accent.

"Whatever Okay?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"So are we gonna go dress shopping or what? I mean you have to look your best for Brandon after all." I teased.

She giggled. "Hell yeah!"

With that, we packed up and walked to the first dress shop.

"So what's your budget?" Allison asked me.

"I don't really have one. My mom will yell at me if I go too crazy, but she knows I am not like that." I told her.

"Yeah. Same. Let's go in here shall we?" She said referring to the shop we were standing outside.

"Afternoon girls!" A friendly looking shopkeeper said.

"Afternoon Ma'am!" We replied in unison.

There were so many different kinds of colours, and I walked, my finger touching the dresses. Allison walked to the light pink. She pulled out a full length dress. We walked over to the change rooms and she found one. I held her put it on. She looked absolutely gorgeous in it.

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The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now