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Lauren was sitting on her couch watching the new episode of American Horror Story when she heard someone coming in, turning around she saw her long term boyfriend Nick.

The two of them met during Lauren's first year of college and hit it off the same night, they have been friends for a few months before Nick grew some balls and decided to ask Lauren out. At first the green eyed girl was hesitant because not so long ago she came out of very toxic relationship but after a while she realized Nick really is the cutest guy ever, always putting her first and always being here for her, even on her worse days.

"Hey babe." The man greeted her

"Hey love, how was work?"

"Same old, same old." Nick shrugged before sitting down next to her, pulling the smaller girl in a tight hug

"You okay?" Lauren questioned, looking into his ocean blue eyes

"I'm perfect now."

"Okay, what happened?" she turned off the TV and turned around, facing him with her whole body

"Nothing, I promise."

"Another crazy case?"

The tall boy chuckled and nodded his head. "This guy cheated on his wife for like years, and kept stealing her money and shit from her family company and she finally caught him and wants to sue him but he's acting as if she didn't do it. Same old, same old."

Nick Ryan Collins was the oldest son of famous lawyers Peter James Collins and Sophie Marie Collins. Just like his father and mother the buy was one of the best lawyers. Sure he was young and had a lot of things to learn and although he wasn't nowhere near his parents' success he was doing pretty impressive job.

However, Nick although he grew up in a wealthy family wasn't one of the kids who always got everything. Along with his year younger brother Mark James and three years younger sister Claire Michelle, the boy had to earn everything he got, which resulted in him being a great student and a basketball player due to his height.

"Do you think you can win the case?"

"I could, but I'm not taking it, Josh got it."

"How so? You're better than Josh, aren't you?"

"I'd like to think so, yes."

Another thing about Collins family, they were very humble.

"I know you are babe." Lauren grinned "So?"

"The thing is Lauren, the case is supposed to happen this summer, which means in about a week or two it should start. And I was thinking. You have only two more exams left before you're done with your year, right?"

Lauren nodded thinking how far she actually got since she came to New York 3 years ago to study Political Science on Columbia University. Only two more exams left.

"When do you have them?"

"The first one is this Thursday and the last one is next Wednesday."

"Do you need me to leave the apartment so you can focus on the books?"

"No it's okay. I'm mostly ready for the first one, I've been studying my ass off for a week at least. You're mostly in the company anyway."

Nick nodded and stood up. "Do you have work tomorrow?"

"Morning shift." Lauren groaned

"Nothing better than smelling sweat in the morning, huh?"

Lauren groaned at the thought. "Why do I even date you when you only make fun of me." She pouted.

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