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all the credits for the poems go to the original author.

"You know what's one of my favorite things ever?"


"Your eyes."

"My eyes? Why? They are boring as fuck."

Lauren shook her head. "I disagree. Have you ever seen brown eyes in the sun? Most people don't always notice it at first but you'll see that 'brown' no longer describes them. They melt into golden rays, circling an eclipse. There's nothing boring about brown eyes, not even when the later hours encroach; they just turn into a sunset of their own. "

Camila felt tears forming in her eyes as she smiled at the older girl.

The sunrise hit Lauren's face and she had to close her eyes, having very sensitive eyes.

Camila started at the freckles on her face and her full lips, her long eyelashes and her annoyingly perfect teeth.

"This is why I fell in love with you. I always wanted more than just a physical touch. An open mind and an understanding heart. I craved more than just holding hands, I craved a soul connection that no-one or nothing can tear apart. And then o met you and I realized I in fact crave you. Maybe that's why I fell for you. You have me all I ever dreamt about."

"I remember how you were the kind of girl who no one really noticed at first. You'd sit there quietly without a sound and if someone said hi they'd be lucky to get a smile and a nod. But if you were like me and looked closely, you would notice your fingers tapping on the desk, playing an imaginary piano. They would hear you humming under your breath, just loud enough to orchestrate an entire symphony for one and avoid the what are you singing? And I remember when we went out to see a movie as a group and I asked you what you thought about it, I ended up talking to myself, because as I figured out later you would much rather be asked your opinion on the creation of the universe or how war and poverty are justified. Later I realized that in fact, you didn't so mind that no one noticed you, because when you were loud the ground trembled beneath your feet and the mountains echoed your roar. But your loudness wasn't something everyone could handle."

"Maybe that's why when you walked up to me and we began talking about the world in all its wonder, my heart gave a little sigh, as if to say Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you."

"I remember being on Tumblr and I read this Amy Winehouse quote ,it goes something like I fell for someone who I would have died for. And that's like a real drug, isn't it? And the quote just hit me in my heart because I knew what real drugs do to you and they were nothing compared to what I felt for you."

"When you left me, I felt like I died. You were not just a person in my life, you were my life, as pathetic it sounds. I remember crying at night, screaming into m pillow and trashing my room, it made me realize why they name hurricanes after people. Because once they leave, they destroy everything."

"I'm sorry Camila."

"I know, but then again. All people are in your life with a purpose, whether they are here to give you a lesson or to actually be a part of your life. You gave me one hell of a lesson."

"In a package with a heartbreak?"

"It is what it is. You can't change the past. However, you can decide how you want your future to be."

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