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*** there's a striaght smut(or at least lame attempt) so if you don't like it skip it, sozz peeps*** 

Camila woke up to an empty bed. She rubbed her eyes and looked around.


No answer.

"Mark are you in the bathroom?"

Again, no answer.

Letting out a loud groan Camila got up and made her way to the bathroom connected to their bedroom but Mark wasn't there. She did her morning routine and walked out of the room.

She could smell bacon and eggs and she smiled because Mark remembered it's her favorite.

Slowly she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning babe, did-" she stopped when instead of Mark she saw Lauren "Sorry. I thought Mark is in the kitchen."

Camila's raspy morning voice made Lauren freeze for a moment. She forgot how good the younger one sounds when she's still sleepy. "Good morning to you too. And, nope just me."

"Do you know where he is?"

"The guys went grocery shopping like half an hour ago? They asked if we want to go but you were still sleeping and I know how much you love or at least how much you used to love your naps. And you're on your period so I didn't want to risk you being angry all day."

"Smart move Jauregui." Camila smiled

For some reason Lauren's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her last name coming from Camila's mouth.

"So um... Breakfast?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Because Lauren already finished her breakfast at least an hour ago she sat there, drinking her coffee and talking to Camila.

To Lauren the younger girl looked absolutely stunning in her running shorts, white top and with no make up. There were still some evidence of her sleep, like her messy hair, the marks on her cheek and Lauren's favorite, Camila's sleepy eyes.

Not that she would ever admit but Lauren felt like this is why she felt for Camila in the first place. Why, after so long, Camila still had her heart.

Once the breakfast was over Lauren told Camila to go to the couch and pick them some movie to watch, saying she'll clean the kitchen. Camila obviously protested but once she saw the look on Lauren's face she gave up. There is no arguing with Lauren.

Camila took a spot on the couch and tried to find some good movie on Netflix. Eventually deciding on some comedy. Just a few minutes later the older girl joined her.

Neither of them said a word for a while. That's if we don't count Camila groaning in pain every few moments. And no matter how much Lauren was interested in the movie, at one point she let out a loud huff and walked away, leaving poor Camila alone and confused.

However, just a few moments later the raven haired girl came back carrying a glass of water and a pill.

"Drink it."

"I'm fine." Camila declined

"Drink. It. I hate seeing you in pain."

The look in Lauren's eyes broke Camila's heart but as soon as the younger girl blinked, the look was gone.

Camila nodded and drank the pill Lauren gave her. It was one of the painkillers Lauren gave to her.

"Do you um- do you want a massage?" Lauren offered

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