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Before I start, I forgot to add this to the last chapter. Do not cheat, don't be a fucking idiot. No one likes a cheater. If you're not happy with the person you're dating, break up. Don't be a dick. Cheating is not a joke and it makes the other person feel like shit.

(i didnt proofread bc i hate reading my own work so if you see a typo just comment with a dot and i'll fix it, thanks) ps the chapter is really emotional.

Camila wakes up to the sound of Sofi's laughter outside the room. She moves her hand on the other side of the bed, trying to wake up Lauren. Her eyes are still closed which is why she has a hard time finding Lauren. But once she opens her eyes she sees an empty bed.

The side of the bed where Lauren slept was empty, except for the crumpled grey sheet.

"What the hell?" Camila mumbles to herself but then she hears Sofi laughing again and she smiles because Lauren stayed

Last night began chaotic. Around 9 in the evening Lauren knocked on the door.

It was just two days after graduation and Camila was more than surprised to see the older girl, considering their last encounter ended up with an argument.

None the less, Camila was happy to see the pair of her favorite green eyes.

Once Lauren was let into the house she awkwardly looked around. Camila offered her a drink and explained how her parents and Sofi went to Alejandro's friend from work for a dinner, she didn't feel like it.

For the next few minutes they had a casual talk. It all changed once Lauren said those three words Camila did not want to her.

"I'm leaving Camila."

At first Camila thought Lauren is talking about going home so she jokes about how she literally just came her, but then Lauren shakes her head.

"I'm leaving Miami. I can't do this Camila. I love you, I'm sure I always will, but I can't do this, it's getting too much."

To Camila, it looked like Lauren doesn't even care, like the whole I love you part is one big lie, to make it easier for her. She was wrong though, because this was the hardest decision Lauren made in a while.

A sob escaped Camila's lips. "I can't lose you. Not again Lauren."

Lauren bit her lip, not wanting to show any emotions whatsoever. She had to do this, there was no other way but to do it like this.


"No! Don't tell me you're sorry, you're not. And don't tell me you love me because you obviously don't."

Lauren took a step closer and pulled the younger girl into a tight hug.

"I do love you. You have to trust me Camila. I've never loved someone so much. It's killing me how much I love you."

"Then why are you leaving?" Camila pulled herself out of the hug

"I have to. We keep hurting each other Camila."

"Is that what this is about? You are set to hurt me no matter what?"


"Then why Lauren? I just got you back. I'm not ready to lose you." Another sob escapes her mouth before she whispers "I'll never be ready to lose you."

"Don't. Please don't cry."

"Then don't leave."

"I have to! Christ Camila!" Lauren yells "You have no idea how hard this is for me! The idea of leaving you breaks my heart. The fact I know I'm hurting you makes me want to slap myself."

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