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As soon as their boyfriends came over Lauren got into the car, telling Nick she's got a headache.

Mark walks over to the room and gently knocks at the door.

"In a minute!" He can hear Camila's raspy voice

Indeed, a minute later Camila walks out of the room, glancing at the bed one more time before closing the door. As they make their way downstairs Camila gives Mark the keys of their car and he goes to the parking lot to find it, because Camila insisted she wants to pay herself.

She makes her way over to check out and once she gives her card the woman tells her a young man called Nick already paid for it. She simply thanks the lady and walks over to her car.

The ride home is quiet in both cars. Camila is too heartbroken to even breathe, every new breath gets harder and harder.

Lauren however is not sure what she feels. She is only sure of one thing, she hates herself at the moment. She hates herself for cheating on Nick and potentially hurting him, she hates herself for not being able to stay away from Camila, she hates because she hates cheaters, but most of all, Lauren hates herself for hurting Camila again.

The broken look in the brown eyes she saw right before she closed the door brings tears to her eyes.

Once they finally reach the house, Lauren runs upstairs to change into something more comfortable and grabs her notebook and a pencil before running outside.

Mark and Camila were just getting in the house when Lauren stormed out.

Lauren stayed outside writing her feeling away until sunset and Nick didn't bother to check up on her, knowing she needs her space. Although he had no idea why.

Camila spent her day in the room, playing guitar and trying not to cry. She was doing well for most part but every once in a while a sob would escape her lips and it would take her a few minutes to collect herself.

Unlike Nick, Mark did her best to let Camila know he's here for her. He brought her lunch and fruit, he checked up on her a few times, gave her a tight hug whenever he'd come to the room.

After a few hours of writing away her feelings for Camila, Lauren decided to call one if the three people she can trust with this.

As the phone rang she bit her lip nervously.

"Hello?" A soft voice picked up

"I fucked up."

"Why? What happened?"

"Long story or short story?"

"Whatever you prefer, I've got a day off."

"So um, you know how Mark is dating Camila?"


"For days now we have been playing this dangerous game of flirting with each other. I tried not to, because I've got Nick and she has Mark. I couldn't do it though."

"Do what?"

"Stay away. Last night..."

"What happened last night?"

"We went on a dinner, the two of us only. The tension was obvious and I tried so hard to not the cross the line, not to hurt anyone. But I failed. We took a room in a hotel..." Lauren trailed off, no need in saying the rest

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