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Keana and Mark stayed true to their words and indeed threw the party the same night. It wasn't much people there, only Keana and her friends and a few people that couples have met on the beach during their time here.

Camila was mostly clinging to Mark until the boy told her to relax and get a drink, so a few friends of Keana sat her down and they started playing drinking games.

Lauren however wasn't much of a party. During the day Lauren tried to keep her mind occupied but now it was different. With alcohol in her system only Camila was on her mind. She drank to forget Camila's name but ended up forgetting everything else but that.

Keana was the first one to notice how fucked up Lauren is so she decided to keep an eye on her.

When Lauren got up and walked upstairs Keana followed get closely and when Lauren walked into the room and a few minutes passed Keana made her way in.

What she found was the younger girl sitting on her bed, crying. There wasn't much she can do but walk over and hug her tightly.

About fifteen minutes have passed before Lauren's sobs stopped and when they finally did the older girl grabbed the bottle from Lauren's nightstand and walked over to the bathroom to fill it with water.

There was something on Keana's mind that she couldn't just shake off so after some time of debating she decided to ask. "Who's Camila?"

"Mark's fucking girlfriend."

"No Lauren. Don't bullshit me. Who's Camila? What's your story with her? You kept looking at her. Do you like her?"



Lauren nodded and closed her eyes. "She was my first love."

"Is she the one why you said you're done with girls?"


"So, what happened? You look at her like she's the only person in the room."

"Full story?"

"If you want."

"We met in October of my junior year, she was a sophomore and just moved to Miami from St. Petersburg, something about her step brother being a teen delinquent. We started hanging out and I felt myself getting a crush on her. I wanted to ask her out one day but a senior from our school beat me to it. They dated for a month, later she admitted it was fake on her end, she tried to be straight or some bullshit. On New Year's Eve I got drunk and kissed her, but she kissed me on midnight. We ignored each other after that and I got back to hooking up with Vero. Nothing serious."

"You and Vero would he hot as a couple. Not as much as you and me though." Keana says and Lauren chuckles

"We were only like friends with benefits, never official. One February night we went out and I saw Camila all alone and invited her to join is, so she did and we started getting close again. We spent Valentine's Day in her room watching movies, as friends. Then, on her birthday a few of us threw her a surprise party and before I went home I kissed her again and she said that's by far her favorite birthday gift so we started going on dates and I asked her to be my girlfriend."

"Did she say yes?"

"She did. But we had to keep it a secret because she had some issues at home, mostly with her brother. And then I started getting high and once got into a fight in school, she wasn't really mad, slightly disappointed only. And then one day after school we were talking how I'm going to do my hair black, and she said it fits me and I kissed her before going away. Her parents saw us. We had to hide and be careful even more after that. They didn't trust her at all."

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