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The next few dates after their not-date the girls barely even talked to each other. Lauren did her best to stay away from the younger girl, but still be friendly whenever Mark or Nick were around. She made sure not to be alone in the same room with her. It was for the best.

Lauren was well aware that being around Camila was a bad idea, especially considering their past. The two of them never managed to last long without fighting.

The days after their day together Lauren spent with Nick or alone. Her daily routine was mainly the same; get up, go out for a run, go to gym, eat light breakfast, go to the beach with Nick (and Nick only), giving her boyfriend all of her attention (in many ways and places), read a chapter or two, maybe watch a movie and then go to sleep.

And as for the younger girl, she tried her best to fake smiles every day. It was killing her that Lauren isn't talking to her. They basically poured their hearts to each other, admitted their everlasting love, their need for feeling the other girl's lips, and then when it almost happened Lauren completely shut her off, putting her walls up higher than ever.

It's been five days since that day and Camila mostly spent every day with a book or guitar in her lap. Okay, that's a lie, she also spent some time in Mark's lap, but that's another story.

Both Collins were unaware of the tensions between their girlfriends, both Lauren and Camila became good at this during their time together, it's probably why most of time no one even knew they were fighting. But both girls knew the tension is there and you could practically cut it with a knife.

"We should all do something together." Mark said as Lauren and Nick walked into the kitchen

"Why?" Lauren asked

"I feel like ever since our double date we don't do anything together."

Lauren bit her tongue to stop saying how they do something together, and how that's checking out Camila whenever the youngest one walks around the house practically half naked.

"What do you say Lo?" Nick asked, taking water from the fridge

"Well, when you invited me to come here for summer I thought it's because we are dating not because I have to date Mark and his girlfriend too." Lauren said, annoyance obvious in her voice

"Okay? Did something happen on your day out? Did Camila say something to you? And be honest with me Regz."

Lauren rolled her eyes because plenty of things happened on their day out, but none of them she was willing to share with anyone (except for maybe Normani and Maritza).

"Nothing happened." Lauren says


"Do you not trust me? Or do you honestly think your girlfriend is that bad? Because if so, why are you dating her?"

Both men were confused because just a few moments ago Lauren looked like she can't stand Camila and now she was defending her with so much passion.

"Is it so bad I want to spend some time with my boyfriend? If so, please excuse me, I'll give you some space Nick." And with that Lauren stormed out of the kitchen

And because she was angry and her focus was barely there she bumped into something. Not something, someone. And not just someone,  but the same girl she's been avoiding for almost a week.

"Watch where you're going for fucks sake Camila." Lauren spat out, but the moment the words left her mouth she felt bad

However, instead of apologizing Lauren kept walking to her destination, the gym in the basement where the punching bag was (the actual one, not the person she loves but takes her anger out on).

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