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Normani sighed as she unlocked the main door of her old apartment. She promised Lauren she'll be here for her once the babies come and she still had every intention of doing so.

When Camila called her and said she has to leave Miami for a week because of some family problems in Mexico, Normani packed her stuff and called Aaron to inform him she's spending a week at Lauren's place. Except, this was the second week now and Camila still wasn't able to come back to Miami. Normani didn't really mind. She loved Lauren, and she loved Alex and Lexi.

Reality slapped her right in the face when she unlocked the door of their apartment. And the slap came in a shape of crying.

Babies cry, everyone knows that. But this time it was different. She didn't hear Lauren singing to them or trying to put them to sleep.

Normani dropped her stuff and followed the crying sound which led her to Lauren's room.

What she saw next broke her heart into pieces; her best friend was sitting on the floor, her head between her knees and her hands pressed to her ears, tears streaming down her face as she begged her children to stop crying.

"Please please please stop crying, please. I can't take it anymore. Stop please." She begged them

Normani rushed over to the crib and took both of them into her arms before sitting on Lauren's bed. After giving them bottles of milk she successfully put them to sleep.

Lauren however was still in the corner of the room, crying and begging them to stop.

"Lauren," Normani shook her gently "babe?"

"Please make them stop, please Mani."

"Shhh, they are sleeping, it's okay."

"No it's not. I can't do this. I can't. I'm such a bad mother and they probably hate me-"

"Come here." Normani said and pulled the younger girl into her old room

She tucked her into bed and lied down next to her, Lauren instantly cuddling up to her side.

"They don't hate you."

"Yes they do Mani. They always cry and I can't stop them and then I cry too because I am so bad at this. I should have given them up for adoption or let Nick have them. I'm not good at this."

"That's why you have me. So we can go through this together, right? Isn't that why I moved here? To help you out?"

"Without you, they'd probably be dead." Lauren mumbled

"Lauren..." Normani anxiously bit her lip

"I'm sorry."

"Shh, it's okay babe. Why don't you take a nap, huh?"

Once Normani was sure that Lauren's breathing calmed down and that the Cuban girl is asleep, she got up and walked into the living room.

Lauren's laptop was sitting on the desk and she bit her lip nervously before turning it on.

Normani's fingers drummed against the wooden table as er brain was trying to process what's going on and what she's about to do.

Her dark eyes scanned the screen. It's no secret that Normani loves Chrissy Teigen, which is why when she stumbled upon her essay two days ago, she realized what's going on.

She decided to reread the essay again once she saw Lauren's break down, she put two and teo together. Just in case, Normani typed decided to go over the symptoms once again and the further she'd go, the more convinced she was.

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