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a/n: there's a mention of straight sex and a description of a lesbian sex so skip what you don't like and read what you do like, but please for the love of the god don't leave nasty irrelevant comments that only make me wanna not write more.

The first day, Lauren spends by herself in the art room, with chalks in her hands and earphones in her ears.

The second day, Keana manages to drag her out of the house, to do some shopping. It kind of sucks because Lauren has been eating only junk food lately and she's doing shopping with three models and Camila, who could actually also be a model. But when Zoe takes a notices she forces Lauren to try on clothes that show her curves perfectly and Lauren somewhat feels better.

The third day Lauren spends at the beach with Keana, because the other three girls have plans. Camila is going back to Malibu to grab her things because she's been wearing their clothes for the past two days and she feels bad about it, and Zoe and Brookie are spending the day in a Spa. Lucky them.

"It's not any of my business, but have you talked to Nick?"

"I uh, he texted me last night."

"He did?" Keana sounds surprised

"Yup. He wants to talk."

"Are you going to talk to him?"

"Not really sure what to tell him."

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"Honestly? Like move the fuck away from here, to Spain or Maldives or Germany or Serbia. Something, just go away."

"Hmm..." Keana hum deep in her thoughts "Well, Zoe is moving to Maldives for two weeks in about a month or so? Feel free to join. But no funny business."

"Can I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

"How does it work? Like the relationship you three have. Do you ever get jealous?"

"Of one of them? For being with the other one?"


"I mean, yes and no? Yes because obviously I'm in love with them both and it sucks when I'm not with them and they sent me cute selfies and videos. Or sometimes not cute, if you know what I mean. So I get jealous, but only cause I miss them. But mostly no. It's not a competition, like if I get a gift from Zoe, Brooke isn't gonna buy me a better one to buy my love. Or if I take Brookie out on a date, Zoe won't try to top it just the next day. It's pretty chill."

"How do you decide which one to take on a date?"

"I mean, if I see that a romantic movie is playing in the cinema, I'll take Brookie because she's more into that, but if I see a comedy I'll ask Zoe out. Or if a new Italian restaurant is opening I know that Zoe would kill to go, meanwhile Brookie would die for a good sushi, she says pasta makes her fat. Or, when I'm shopping and see a cute underwear I just imagine which one I'd prefer in it, and if the answer is Zoe, I text Brooke, asking if she agrees; if the answer is Brooke, I text Zoe."

"If the answer are both?"

"I buy two? Or three, gotta treat myself too. Although, taking it off them is a treat itself."

Lauren laughs and shakes her head.

"Anything else you wanna know?"

"How do you decide which one is getting laid tonight?"

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