congrats US.

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This morning I woke up at 5:30 am and considering it was still evening in the US and the votes were not count I was so anxious. I went to my work and frequently checked who's winning. Once I realized Trump had actually won I was so mad. My boss came a while later and laughed at me for being so into American politics when I am Croat who lives in Germany.

Let me tell you something. The president of the united states and the president of let's say Croatia is a totally different thing. No one knows about my country (pretty much) and US is one if the biggest and most powerful forces right now. To choose someone who is such a racist, homophobic, sexist and overall such an awful person is still unreal to me.

I'm not a fan of Hillary and honestly I hoped Bernie would win (back in the days) but once the battle was between Clinton and Trump I prayed to god trump won't win.

I talked to my coworker a few times about it and we realized there's no way americans are that stupid to vote for him.

And they are not. It's not Americans who voted for him, no. It's those annoying ass white males that are scared to have a woman president, because she will take their guns away; it's those old motherfucking people who preach religion but fail to love their brothers no matter the sexual orientation so they sent them to conversational therapy; it's close-minded people who still like in the past and think black people or Latinos or any people who are not white straight Catholic are lower than that. Guess what?? They fucking are not.

And I hope that those who voted for Trump know they voted for WW3 just like the Germans who voted for Hitler voted for WW2.

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To anyone out there who is in danger because of the outcome please stay safe

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To anyone out there who is in danger because of the outcome please stay safe. If you have to stop wearing your religious things to be safe, god will understand. If you have to keep your relationship a secret because it's same sex relationship and you're scared, your partner will understand.
And to everYone who has darker skin and now has even higher chances of being randomly shot for nothing, please don't ever go alone especially if it's night or a sketchy neighborhood.

To everyone who voted for trump or the third party(which was pretty much the same as voting for him) go fuck yourself and I hope you step on a Lego and die and burn in hell.

And i Hope Inge the Mexico Wall is up Yall whoo voted for him can't get in there to go on a vacation. Putas.

One more thing. Dinah posted a snapchat with the filter where you raise your eyebrows to make america great again and her eyebrows were raised and on the other snap she had an orange instead of her face and captioned it  is I guess I'm an orange now and she's getting lots of hate because she voted for Trump. Grow the fuck up. It doesn't mean she voted for him. She's always playing with snapchat filter you little shits. Why would she, a Polynesian woman with three Latina bandmembers and one African American bandmember vote for him?

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