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once again, what's a proofreading lol

also before you start reading i want to say something, once again, for god knows what time, if you do not like something skip it, in the last chapter i got attacked because i talked about politics. the thing is, Lauren from the fic graduated POLITICAL SCIENCE and Lauren in real life talks a lot about politics. it's my fic and i try to please you as much as I can by still keeping it mine, but saying that a simple mention of politics, saying thank god bernie got elected and not trump triggers you? too far buddy, too far. i will not put trigger warning for things that should not be tagged under that. you not agreeing with the words on the screen or getting annoyed because of them does not mean you are triggered. it means you are pissed. and sometimes i am pissed too by what my characters do, but it is still party of a made up story. you have to deal with it. move on y'all. if i wish to talk about politics in this book, i will. with that being said, have a lovely morning/day/evening/night and enjoy the chapter, good night. 

It's the eight time Camila wakes up during the night, and also the eight time she falls back asleep with a smile on her face. Because, Lauren is still here.

The last time Lauren stayed over for the night, Camila woke up alone and didn't see the green eyed girl for three years.

The tenth time Camila's eyes flutter open there's a a sunrise coming through her window and hitting directly at her face. She lets out a groan and nuzzles her head in the crook of Lauren's neck.

Her heart stops beating for a moment because Lauren lets out a giggle. An actual giggle, and it sounds like heaven.

Camila lifts up her head just for a moment to see that Lauren's eyes are wide open and there's a dopey smile on her face.

"Why are you awake?"

"Cause it's morning dummy."

"Exactly, shouldn't you be making me breakfast?"

"Honestly, I wanted to. Then, I realized something."

"What?" Camila mumbles

"What would your reaction be if you woke up alone in your bed after I spent the night here?"

And Camila doesn't have to reply, because Lauren knows. They both know.

"I'm glad you stayed."

"Did you think I'll run away? Is that why every time I woke up during the night your grip on me was stronger than before?"

"Maybe." Camila sighs

"I'm not going anywhere this time. I'm here." Lauren takes a short break "As long as you want me."

Camila notices the way Lauren rubs her own belly gently and it kind of breaks her heart that a part of Lauren thinks that she'll leave her just because there's a human being inside of her.


Finally, Camila untangles her legs from Lauren's and sits up, her back pressed against the wall.

"What's wrong?"

"I understand that this baby will be your priority and I support you in that, I'm not gonna get mad if you can't see me because you're being a good mom. I'm not gonna get mad just because you forgot about our date because this little nugget kept you up the whole night before that. I can't promise that I won't get annoyed sometimes or be annoying, crave your affection and your love, I obviously will, you know me."

"I do." Lauren laughs

"The point is, I love you Lauren, all of you. This child is a part of your life and it will be as long as your heart is beating and I know that my hear will always beat for you, I also know your heart will beat for me, but it will also beat for that kid, a bit stronger. I want you to know that's okay. But I will fight for you, not with your kid obviously, unless we're playing around."

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