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i place my plate in the sink before i hear a knock on the door. seeing as jack went upstairs, i go to answer it. when i open it, i see a girl standing at the door with dark brown hair, and big doe eyes.

she then smiles and shows me her perfect, white teeth. "hi, I'm madison." she says as she puts her hand out for me to shake.

"luna." i say as i take her hand.

"oh i know, jack had told me so many things about you." she says as she laughs a little.

i laugh a fake laugh and let her in. "so are you jacks...?"

"girlfriend." she finishes as i purse my lips and nod. i shut the door as i let her in.

"well I'm sure you know where everything is." i say as i laugh and she makes her way to the stairs.

"it was lovely meeting you." she says as i return the kind gesture. i watch her make her way up the stairs and to jacks room.

jack has never mentioned a girlfriend? oh well, she was lovely. i then find myself making my way towards the stairs also, making my way towards my room. before i enter, jack and madison walk out of his room.

"oh hey, madison and i are going to go out for a bit. call me if you need anything." jack says as i nod and see them make their way out the door.

jack and i have definitely made amends and he is showing me his real self. i like this side of jack better than his whole 'tough guy' side.

i slip into my room, grabbing my laptop and turning on netflix.


i am currently watching an episode of 'the vampire diaries', when i hear a crashing noise come from downstairs. i furrow my eyebrows as i set my laptop down and make my way towards my door.

i open the door, only to see that it is pitch black out in the hall. "jack?" i ask, hoping its only him. when i get no response, i start to make my way towards the stairs.

"jack, if you're playing a prank, it isn't funny." i say as i start to walk down the stairs. i look out the front door, only to see that jacks car isn't in the driveway.

i start to panic as i start to think about who could be in the house with me. i walk into the kitchen, ready to grab the phone when someone grabs my arm and turns me around.

i come face to face with someone in a black mask. my breathing starts to become rapid as they pull out a knife.

"please, no." i cry out as my eyes become glossy. what happened to jack always being here to protect me?

"damn, you're a pretty one. how did jack land you?" he asks me.

soon, another figure comes into view behind the other one. "why are you doing this?" i shout as the tears fall freely down my face.

"aw, its nothing personal babe." the one with the knife mocks. "we're just trying to get to your little boyfriend."

"he's not even my boyfriend." i say. i try to get out of his grip, while the other guy comes over and holds me; this time making sure i have no way of escaping.

i soon hear the front door jingle open, and the guys look at each other. "this is going to hurt baby, but we have to make sure he knows we've been here."

he then takes the knife and slides it across my stomach, making sure my shirt wasn't in the way. i cry out in pain as the guy lets go and they both run out the back door.

"luna?" jack asks as he walks into the kitchen. when he spots me, he runs over to me and sits next to me. he tries to examine the wound, but I'm holding it too tightly for him to see.

"luna, baby, I'm going to need you to move your hands so i can see what happened." jack rushes as he pries my hands away and looks at the deep cut.

i scream as he picks me up bridal style and rushes me upstairs into his bathroom. he sits me down on the sink and goes to grab a first aid kit.

"jack." i scream as he comes back, worry and anger being the only expression on his face.

"who did this to you?" he questions as he starts to put bandages on it. when i don't answer, he asks again; only louder this time.

"i don't know!" i shout as i scream again in pain. there are tears falling rapidly down my face as he finishes.

"I'm going to kill whoever did this." he says as he turns and punches the wall behind him. i wipe off the tears on my face as i look at him.

"none of this would've happened if you wouldve kept your promise and been there to protect me like you said you would." i say as i try to stand from the sink.

i soon regret my decision when i fall into jacks arms. i look up to see his face has a much softer expression now. "I'm so sorry luna."

"i just want to go to sleep." is all i say before he sighs and picks me up again. he then takes me into my room and sets me carefully on my bed.

"i will never let this happen again, i promise luna." he says.

but i know that he has a hard time keeping promises.

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its 'bout that time you slide thruuuuuuu

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