twenty one

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three months have gone by quicker than i could have imagined. its finally time for me to join my family back in spain, and thankfully i have survived.

today is the day i say goodbye to the beautiful palm trees of california. ive had many good times here, and many many many bad times.

ive thankfully been able to put the bad behind me and focus on the good. im going to miss so many things about this place, but mainly jack.

we've been secretly hooking up ever since i got over my fear of people touching me. which took a while to get over. but he was surprisingly able to help me through it all, after i opened up about it all of course.

madison is still in the picture though. jack, for some reason, hasn't been able to let go of her. but i can't blame him for it.

as i finish packing my bags, i turn off the light and shut the door. the gilinsky's were so generous to have opened their home to me and to have been so kind to me. i wouldn't have traded this whole experience for the world.

ive met people that ill never forget, and done things that ill never get over. this summer was definitely one for the books, and im so glad i had the chance to experience it with all of these amazing people by my side.

i bring my bags down the stairs, only to be greeted by jack, his mother, johnson, sam, and nate. i turn to katherine first and give her a huge hug. i then thank her a million times for allowing me to stay here with them.

she laughs wholeheartedly as she then welcomes me a million times, then after telling me ill have to come back and visit. which is definitely something that im already planning on doing.

next is johnson. johnson has definitely found his way to the top of my list through these three months. he has showed me why everyone loves him so much. i give him a great big hug, not wanting to say goodbye.

"don't worry kid, this isn't the last you're going to see us." he tries to lighten the mood. i laugh at him as tears start to prick at the corner of my eyes.

i then move on to nate. i found nate to be my smoking buddy. he was always there with the weed that i needed, and for that i am forever grateful of him. he puts his arm around my neck and pulls me into a headlock.

he scratches on the top of my head with his knuckles as he speaks, "you're not getting away that easy little miss."

i continue to laugh as lets go of me. "you don't know how much im going to miss you and your weed."

he laughs as i move along to sam. i make strong eye contact with sam as i take in his appearance, which is something im definitely going to miss. i pull him into a large hug, which is when i start to actually cry. sam became a best friend to me, when we established a relationship wasn't going to work out for us.

"im definitely going to miss you more than any of the others." sam says.

this is when jack interferes, "somehow i doubt that."

we all laugh knowing that that comment was going to spark up some competition between the two of them.

"ill miss you tons too sam, don't worry." i whisper to sam as i pull away from the hug.

"i guess this is where you take me away." i then say to jack seeing as he is the one taking me to the airport.

"lets get going then." he says as he goes to open the door. i grab my bags as i head for the door.

i stop before i fully exit through the door and turn around. i glance at all of them, "i love you all. thank you so much for allowing me to have such a great time while i was here."

i turn around before i can start to cry anymore than i already am. i head to the car as i hear jack shut the door behind me.

we both get in the car. we sit in silence as neither of us know what to do next. i allow for the tears i have to silently slip down my cheeks.

this is when jack reaches his hand over and places it on my thigh. i then put my hand on top of his. he starts the car and this is when we start our journey to the airport.

when we reach the airport, he pulls into a parking spot and places the car in park.

"im not ready." i whisper to him. "i need more time here."

he looks over at me with glossy eyes. since ive been living with jack for these past few months, this is the first time i have seen him cry.

"im not ready either." he sobs.

we are both a mess as we continue to cry in the car. we reminisce all of the good times we had together, getting caught up in the past.

i then glance at the clock after ten minutes of talking. i realize that my flight is about to leave and that i have to get inside.

i tell jack that we have to leave. this is when we both get out of the car and grab my bags. we then both proceed to walk towards the entrance.

when we reach my flight gate, i drop my bags and turn to hug jack. i sit there and sob into his chest. we tries to calm me down as he smoothens down my hair.

this surprisingly helps me start to compose myself. i pull out of the hug so im able to look at his face. he also has tears still running down his cheeks.

this weirdly gives me a sense of relief; knowing that he's crying over me. this is showing me just how much he cares about me.

"ive never met anyone like you luna, you've changed my life in the best way possible." he whispers to me. "i love you."

my eyes widen as i hear the words escape his mouth. this is the first time jack has said those words to me, and words cannot describe how much it means to me.

"i love you too jack." i whisper back.

those are the only words i could muster up at the moment. they definitely got my point across on how much im going to truly miss him.

i have to let go of jack when i hear them call my flight out. i give him one last look, and blow him a kiss, before i board my flight.

jack has impacted my life in so many ways, and he'll never truly understand how much he means to me.

nine months later

i get home after a long day at work, wanting nothing more than to just lay in my bed and take a long nap.

when i am finally able to lay down, my phone rings. i groan as i answer the phone, not even bothering to look at who's calling.

"i hope you have a guest room set up for me by next week." i hear jack say, which instantly causes me to sit up straight and widen my eyes.

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you may now let your imaginations run wild.

this is, sadly, and officially the end of 'host family'. i cannot thank you guys enough for all of the support you have given me, and for also not getting mad at me when i didn't update, or when i wanted to stop writing this. (a.k.a yesterday)

i wanted to end the book this way because i wanted to allow you guys to be able to imagine what happens when jack goes to spain to visit luna. this is so im not putting a limit on what actually happens to the two of them. but let me know how you liked it.

(but if you desperately want, i will consider writing a sequel to this book)

i love all you guys for sticking with me and for going through this journey of a book w me. i hope you all continue to stick w me as i move on to other books.

host family ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now