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i am awoken the next morning by the ringing of my phone. i pick up my phone and hit the answer button, without looking at who was calling.

"luna." i hear rosa say through the phone. i groan in response. she says my name again, but this time much louder. due to her loudness, it causes me to jump and roll off the bed. 

i groan as my body hits the ground. jack comes running into my room, looking to make sure everything is okay. 

i roll my eyes and wave him off. he gives me one last look before turning and leaving my room. "god you scared me rosa." i say.

she giggles, "sorry."

"what do you need?" i ask.

she squeals, "I'm coming to cali for a week!" 

this causes me to sit up straight and actually start paying attention to what she was saying. "when?!" i ask frantically. 

"I'm coming on friday." she says. i squeal due to excitement seeing as today is monday. i have a whole week to prepare for her arrival. 

"im so excited." i say as i can hear her laughing. i then take the time to untangle myself from my comforter and stand up. "okay well, I'm going to go take a shower real quick."

she replies with an 'okay' before i hang up the phone. i set my phone down and make my way to the bathroom. i run the hot water before stripping my clothes and stepping in. 

my wound still hurts, but it is looking a lot better. now all we have to focus on is jacks wound. i am still astounded that jack would go out of his way and do something like that for me. 

when I'm done rinsing off, i step out and dry off. i then go to my closet to look for some clothes. i settle on my all white crew neck, some dark jeans with holes in the knees and my all white adidas. 

i then let my hair air dry and put it up in a high ponytail. i start on my makeup and finish soon after. when I'm done getting ready, i walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

i am starting to notice this as a routine as i see jack sitting at his same spot at the island. he looks up for a brief second and we make awkward eye contact. ever since he tried to kiss me last night, things have been very tense between us.

i look away and get out a clean glass. i then get the orange juice out of the fridge and pour some into my glass. before i get a chance to put the orange juice back, jack speaks up, "wait, can you pour me some?"

i nod my head before going to get another glass out of the cabinet. i set it on the island and pour the orange juice in. i then slide him the glass.

i watch as it sits there in front of him, untouched. "are you gonna drink that?" i ask as i watch him. he asked me to pour him the juice, yet he's not going to drink it?

"no." is all he says. i furrow my eyebrows, wanting more of an explanation. when he notices my expression, he opens his mouth. "i don't actually want juice. i just wanted a reason to say something to you."

i laugh a little as i hear his reason behind it. "you know you can just talk to me." i say quietly. 

"i know. but after last night, things are a little awkward between us now." he says as he sighs and shakes his head. i purse my lips and nod my head.

"only because you made it that way." i joke. he smiles at me, showing me all the reasons i love to joke around with him. 

"touché." he says as he suddenly picks up the glass and chugs the orange juice. he then slides the cup back over to me. "maybe add some vodka next time."

i laugh, jack has some really good jokes. i pour him another glass before sliding it over. i watch him chug this glass also.

"do you like orange juice?" i ask him as i raise my eyebrows. he chuckles at my question.

"only because you do." he cheekily says. i blush at his response.

"and how do you know that?" i ask as i blink at him. 

"i always see you drinking it." he says as he again, slides the glass over to me. this time, i don't fill the glass back up, i just turn around and put it in the sink.

"jack, stop flirting. you have a girlfriend." i say as i turn around and look down at him. he chuckles and nods his head.

"i know." he simply says. well if you know, why are you sweet talking to me? "speaking of my girlfriend, i think she's coming over later. just to give you a heads up."

i nod my head as i raise my eyebrows. "ill stay out of sight." i say as he shakes his head.

"no, you should hang out with us." he rushes out. i laugh at his eagerness. 

"its fine, ill take a pass on that." 

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im re watching the scorch trials right now, and it doesn't get less confusing the second time. 

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