Chapter 3- a horny waitress and more than a little bra

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OMG! Joe asked me out! On an ACTUAL DATE! OMG!
I texted around 1:00, so I had about 5 hours to get ready.
I chose a navy crop top and tight jeans, with black pumps and a black cardigan. I did my makeup and my hair - navy and black eyeshadow, concealer, dark red lipstick, blah blah blah.
Sure enough, just after 7, Joe knocked on the door, wearing a white T-shirt and tight black jeans similar to mine. His hair looked gorgeous and his hands were behind his back.
"Hey, Joe!"
"Banana girl!"
"It's Violet!"
"Right.... Yeah. You ready?"
I looked around stupidly, patting my pockets and going through a mental list of things I'd need.
"Uh, sure!"
He took out a beautiful little red rose from behind him and placed it in my left hand, and took hold of my right, gently pulling me towards his car. He opened the door and let me get in.


We pulled up outside Pizza Express as I asked, "I thought we were watching a movie?!"
"We are. After. But first," he got out and opened my door for me, "dinner!"


"May I take your order?" The waitress wore a tight, high black skirt, high black strap heels and a shirt with the 4 top buttons undone, showing more than just a little bra. Her face was caked in makeup and her hair was up in a meticulous bun. She was DEFINITELY eyeing up Joe.
"We'll have 2 glasses of red to start with-"
She batted her eyebrows intensely,
"-and can you give us a second to order the food?" He asked. Shockingly, she winked as she took our drinks menus.
"Oh, and uh, Miss?" He added.
"I'm not interested- I don't date waitress whores or sluts that hit on guys in a relationship." I gazed at him dreamily, marvelling at what he just said as she walked away, embarrassed and disgusted.

We were given a different (married and pregnant) waitress who was sweet and kind.
"We'll have 1 big lot of garlic dough balls, a pizza for me, and a small lasagne for the lady. Oh, and a water." He turned to me, "More wine?"
"Oh, uh... Better not. I'll take a lemonade if that's ok." The waitress smiled, said of course it was okay, and left, taking our menus with her.
"So," he began, "tell me about you."
"What?" I giggled.
"You know... Likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, history, exes-"
"Exes?!" I laughed.
"Yeah, you know, stories and stuff."
"Okay... So what d'you wanna know?"

Banana Girl: a thatcherjoe love storyWhere stories live. Discover now