Chapter 16- Facebook

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It was 4 days later, and Joe was sat in the lounge, liking, sharing and following his fans on Facebook.
"Joe?" I said, standing at the foot of the couch where he was sat. A few of my empty cardboard boxes were still lying around, waiting to be recycled.
"Uh-huh?" He said, glancing up at me. He caught the worried look on my face and turned off his iPad.
"What's up, Baby?" He asked, patting the patch of couch next to him, indicating I should sit, so I did.
"Look at this."

It was a post on Facebook, by 'Joe_Sugg_Fan

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It was a post on Facebook, by 'Joe_Sugg_Fan.xx' and it obviously was intended to offend me. I was white, but my eyes were red and puffy.
He read the post then looked at me.
"Oh, Vi-"
" 'Ugly girlfriend?' Is that what I am?" I said, tears in the back of my throat.
"No! Not at all! They're just jealous because you're so beautiful and kind and clever and-"
"A slut?" I interrupted.
"No!" He was getting angry now, but I could tell he wasn't angry with me.
"Look, Vi," he took my hands in his, "You are the most beautiful and amazing person I have ever met. You got to stop thinking you're not! You got to stop doubting your every move!"
"I care! Okay, I care what other people think! It matters to me, it would matter to anyone in my situation!"
"Well," he began, before he kissed me, "I love you, and it doesn't matter to me."


The next day he posted on Facebook:
This is to all you haters who have been harassing my girlfriend: I love her. I don't care what you think- she is to me-and will always be- gorgeous, kind, thoughtful and clever. Nothing you can say will change that, so back off. I appreciate the likes and comments on YouTube, but LEAVE MY GIRL ALONE.


'My girl.' I was his girl.

Hi guys! I just wanted to say that all contents of this chapter is made up, and if there is anyone out there with the Facebook name Joe_Sugg_Fan.xx then I'm really sorry and it wasn't purposely- I made it up on the spot! Thanks, please leave loads of feedback! Bye!
R xx

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