Chapter 32- Until the guards took him away.

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Hey! Just to say; near the end of the chapter, there is a bit of strong language, but nothing too bad ;) PS please don't hate me for what happens in this chapter!
Keep reading! R xx

For the next few days, I could not stop thinking about Joe's mysterious phone call:
"Thursday? Uh... Yeah, yeah. That sounds good. Thursday, then? Thanks, I'll call you later."
To be perfectly honest, it probably bothered me more than it should've, but I didn't have the guts- or the words- to ask him about it.
But then Thursday came.
"I'm going out for a bit."
"I'll come!" I chirped, wanting to know where he was going and who he'd be meeting.
"No, that's okay."
"Oh, I insist."
"No, you can stay here."
"I think I should come."
"I don't."
"Oh. Okay," I said, feeling more than a little put out, before slamming the door in his face and bitterly adding, "Have a nice time, then."
I swiftly wheeled my chair to the phone and picked it up, dialling the number I knew so well.
"He's just left."
"Great, we're parked outside," Tanya's voice whispered from the other end. Zoe was my relationship guru, but Tanya was our BFF, too, and we told her everything. They were the only ones crazy enough to help me 'stalk' Joe.
"We rented a Toyota."
"Awesome. Ready?"
"Yep. Wait, I see him. Gotta go. Call you back soon."

-6 hours later-

"Why the hell did you follow me?!"
"Why the hell are we here?" I looked around me, gesturing to the blank walls and the huge mirror: I was in an interrogation room. And I was not a happy Violet.
He sighed, and if I didn't know him better, I'd have said he was embarrassed.
But Joe never got embarrassed.
"Yes, okay, don't rush me!"
He paused for a while, seemingly thinking about his answer, before sighing.
"Alright, but don't butt in, okay?" I nodded.
"I met him at the book signing. Trevor. He was a scientist, carrying out an experiment in New York, and his daughter wanted to come see us. So he brought her, and we got talking, and he was talking about his experiment: developing a medicine that, when taken in the correct dosage, can instantly repair broken bones and tissue. Within a day. When you had the accident, I wanted to get it for you. So we could go home."
"So... Why are we here?"
"As the medicine isn't registered as a medicine yet, it's technically... It's technically a drug. Medicinal, but still a drug."
"What the fuck, Joe!?! You were gonna buy an illegal drug so we could go home?! What the fuck?! Oh my god, Joe, what the hell are my family gonna think? What am I gonna do now? My boyfriend, the guy I fell in love with, is in jail for dealing drugs! What about you? You won't survive a day in prison!! And Joe, what about your fans and stuff?! What's gonna happen when you stop posting videos on YouTube and the press announce this?!"
"I... I don't know." A single tear streamed down his face, like a tiny ball of glass rolling on his cheek. It bypassed his mouth and created a teeny puddle on the laminate floor.
"Oh, Joe."
I leaned in and hugged him, squeezing him hard in case he had to go to jail and I'd never get to hug him again.
"I'm such a fuck-up. My whole life. I'm so so sorry, Violet. Break up with me now and then you don't have to be the  girlfriend of the infamous drug-dealing YouTuber. I'm so sorry." My shoulder got wetter and wetter as he cried more and more. We sat there until the guards took him away.

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