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Well who'd think we'd ever reach the end?! Not me!
Firstly, a massive thanks for putting up with me! Yay!
Secondly, no. Nope, no sequel. No offence, but I'm glad this one's over; it's become tougher and tougher to update recently with life getting in the way!
Thirdly, I know it was quite rough round the edges, but I'm glad I have finished it so I can get on with the next one I'm writing, hopefully- all going well- a collection of thatcherjoe oneshots :)
Fourth, Quick character future:

Violet and Joe... Who's to say?I like to think they break up but remain as firm friends.
Zalfie... Continue to have lots of beautiful children and lead a happy life :)
Louise... Keeps sprinkling glitter as though it's happiness. I'll always love her for that :)
Tanya... Steers clear of mojitos! Continues to be gorgeous and lovely :)
Caspar... Is cute and sweet but me bed in with Joe and Violet after a while.
The rest of the guys... Will keep being awesome!
Joe's mum... Continues to be sweet but possessive.
Milo the prison guard... Keeps being prison-guardy.
The lawyer... Keeps being lawery.
You... Will make your own lives, which is fine, just so long as you are happy and enjoy every moment. And don't listen to the haters- they are soo not worth it!! :)

Lastly, I love you all and hope you have a nice life. Continue to read my stories if and when I upload, and I guess there's nothing left to say except:

Thanks as ever! Keep reading and voting! Couldn't continue without you! Lyl, Rxxx

The end. Definitely. Xx.

Banana Girl: a thatcherjoe love storyWhere stories live. Discover now