Chapter 6- I'm not a morning person.

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I woke up, greeted by a sexy smile and a cup of steaming coffee, a mocha with extra sugar, just how I like it. I wondered how he knew.
"Morning, Beautiful." Joe just called me beautiful. Me. Beautiful.
"You need glasses, Joe!"
He laughed, as he gently pushed me along the couch to make room for him.
He kissed my forehead.
"Last night... I fell asleep. We... Uh..."
"No. We didn't, don't panic."
"Panic? No, I was just wondering, I..."
"I know! I was just teasing! You fell asleep and I fell asleep on top of you. Oh god, no I didn't mean that, I just meant... Goddamnit!"
I laughed at him teasingly and he laughed along.
15 minutes later and Joe was in the shower, when the phone rang.
"Vi? Vi, can you get that?"
"Sure! Hang on!"
I picked up the phone and said,
"Joe's place. Speaking?"
"Hey babes!"
I could've died. 'Babes'. Oh my god.
"Joe? Hello?"
"Oh, uh, yeah, I mean, no! Sorry it's not Joe, it's his... Uh... His..."
Joe suddenly walked up behind me, tickled me, and took the phone.
Even though he was sexy and amazing and his hands just felt my back, I couldn't smile. Someone was calling him 'babes.'
"Zoe! Hey! What's up?" Zoella! His sister! Of course!
"Her? Oh, her name's Violet. Why is it your business? She spent the night here. The couch. The couch. Well, kind of... Yes! Yes! How much? How much what? How much do I like what? Oh! Uh..." He glanced my way, "what, like, a scale of 1-10? Umm... 8. Well... Look, Zo, I have... No, Zo... Zo... Zoe! I have to go. What were you calling for, anyway? Yeah, sure. Uh-huh. Yup. Okay, bye! Bye. Bye, Zoe! Bye!" He hung up the phone, " sorry, Vi, that was my sister."
"I know."
"Okay..." He stepped a bit closer.
"What was she saying?"
"She asked about you, who you were, why you were here, that kind of stuff."
I looked at him long and hard.
"And the scale was how much I liked you."
8. Out of 10. May I just remind you that our first date was last night. 8's pretty good, right?
"Our fist date was last night." I said stupidly.
"Yes. It was."
"And... What's your average number of a girl after your first date? You know, usually."
He thought for a while, contemplating what to say.
I kissed him then, deeply.
"What was that for?!" He smiled.
"For making me an 8."
I should perhaps mention at this point that Joe was wearing a towel round his waist. And that was all.
*Brrrrring! Brrrrrrrrrring! Brrrrrrrrrrrrring!* The doorbell.
"Sh•t!" Said Joe, as his towel fell to the floor in shock. I gawped at him. ALL of him.
"Jesus, Vi, get the door! Baby, the door!"
He rushed to get some trousers as I rushed to get the door.
"Hey! Oh, it's you! I was hoping it would be!" Zoe. She had a huge grin and wide eyes.
Then, behind her, Alfie.
"Where's Joe?" He asked.
"Getting dressed. He was wearing a towel, and the doorbell shocked him, and, uh..."
"Eww! I'm so sorry you had to see that!" Cried his horrified sister.
I smiled and invited them in for a coffee. We were sitting down at the table laughing, talking, and sipping our hot drinks when Joe emerged from his room.
"Hello, gorgeous girl!" I assumed he was talking to his sister, but he came up behind me and wrapped me up in his arms, kissing me once on the neck as he did so.
"Oh, hey! I thought you were talking to Zoe!" I giggled. He took my shoulders and spun the spinning stool I was sat on around until I was facing him, then he kissed me again, on the lips this time.
"Ugh! No! Please, spare me my eyes!" Joked Alfie at the sight of us together.
"No, they're cute!" Giggled Zoe. Wow- they were so different yet they managed to make it work so well. I wished then, with all I was worth, that Joe and I would be like that.

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