Chapter 4- lasagne, 2 kisses and a very creepy game

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"Oh my god! This pizza is amazing! How's your lasagna?" 35 interesting and hilarious minutes had passed, and our main meals had been brought to us by the pregnant waitress.
"Hot! Hot but great!" And I was telling the truth! The food there was amazing, as was the service (apart from the horny waitress we had before the pregnant one). It was so amazing, I couldn't help but wonder how much everything was. I mean, the thought hadn't even occurred to me when I had the menu, but now... I couldn't think about anything else (apart from Joe of course- his cute smile was melting me!).
"Tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me what's bugging you. Oh god, is it me? Am I not-"
"No! No, Joe, you're perfect! I mean, this date is... Um... The date is perfect! Not that you're not... I mean..." He pulled me in close and kissed me- passionately but lovingly- and I kissed him back for all I was worth. He released me, and I could barely breathe, but it was amazing. His beautiful blue-green eyes couldn't stop looking at mine, and his hands were in mine.
"You were saying?" He smiled.


Once he'd paid, he took my hand and guided me outside, then laced his fingers into mine. I looked at him, and he looked back. We smiled. We didn't even need to kiss.
"What're we seeing?" I inquired, realising I didn't actually know the movie.
"It's a surprise." He said, with a cheeky, gorgeous smile. I could just kiss him all over.
It turned out we were watching 'would you rather,' a film about a small group of desperate yet innocent adults, dared to do a load of horrible, graphic stuff, but they actually had to do it. I thought it was good, but goddamned creepy.
"Okay?" He whispered into my ear.
I looked at him and shook my head.
"Ha!" He giggled quietly. I hit him lightly and managed a smile, but just as I did, an old woman was stabbed in the thigh. My expression quickly changed.
"Come here, Vi." Joe wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close so my head was resting on his chest and his chin was resting on my head. I let out a small gasp as someone was whipped.
"Shhhh," whispered Joe, " it's not real Vi, it's all just a story."
I felt my heart rate race, but slow when he said this. He was adorable and sweet- 2 for the price of 1.
"Why'd you pick this film, Joe?" I squealed, as someone's brains were blown out.
"Shhh!" His voice was calm and gentle.
"Joe?! Did you want me to get scared so I would-"
"Maybe. But only because I really like you!"
I shut him up with a kiss. It seemed to work.

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