XVI. Battle with Grizelda

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       Once again, I was called to the palace.  This time, it was a ball.  Dad was going overseas again, and we were going to throw him another party.  I've already asked Naoto to come along.  He said he'd arrive late.  I guess he's busy since he's the prince of Dreams-Bloom Kingdom.  It's better than nothing, right?

       When I got there, the place was packed with nobles.  "Hey, Ichigo.  There you are." My Aunt, Lady Rosalinda said.  "Hey Auntie." I said with a smile.  "Where were you the past 2 years.  Did you think you could stray from your royal duties?" She said crossing her arms.  "No.  Of course not." I lied.  "WHERE WERE YOU ALL THIS TIME?!?!?" Ran and Aoi yelled running up to me.  "U-Um....it's a secret." I said scratching my head.  "First of all, you're making up for lost time.  Second, DON'T WORRY US LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" Ran yelled.  "Sorry..." I said.  "Whatever, you're here now." Aoi said.  As the ball went on, I needed some more space.  So I went to the balcony to cool off.  It's been an hour and Naoto isn't here yet.  I didn't know he'd be this late.  When I went back in, I couldn't help over hearing an exchanging of words.  "Someone spotted the Prince Naoto running from the guards and entering the palace.  What would such a villain want with us?" I heard aunt Rosalinda say to a servant.  "Oh my, I'm kinda scared now." The servant said.  I wonder how Naoto got this reputation.  That's when people started back away from the left corner of the ballroom (where the entrance is).  Some woman would say "What does he want with us?" or "Oh no, it's the end of my life."  I do know that when he quit his job here, he was discovered.  Since then, he's been an enemy to this kingdom.  A lot of rumors spread that he was going undercover to cause harm to the royal family.  I don't believe any of those rumors.  The crowd went quiet.  A couple of guys whispered to each other: "He's heading towards the princess."  Jeez, why must people stare?  "Is there something you need?" Naoto asked giving his normal cold expression to the crowd.  "I'm sorry, but I don't remember inviting you." Dad said walking towards him.  "That's because I invited him." I said.  Everyone gasped.  "Why would you invite such a person?  He's a MONSTER!" Ran yelled.  "Just what did he do?" I asked.  "You don't know?" Aunt Rosalinda asked.  I shook my head.  "We'll go outside and I'll explain everything." Naoto whispered in my ear.

       We walked through the garden under the full moon.  "So what happened?" I asked.  "Just after I made it to S Class, which was when I was 9, all my friends started to die.  One by one, he or she would die from an illness, or an accident.  I eventually came to the conclusion that it was my fault.  So I distanced myself from making more friends.  When I was 10, my parents died.  They were killed by the evilest witch to live, Grizelda.  I heard screams from my parents bedroom, so I went to investigate.  That's when I saw her.  And both my parents were dead.  I was in rage, so I tried to fight her, but I was too weak.  I ended up being taken hostage, and I became her slave.  During that time, rumors spread out.  The most popular rumor was that I killed all my friends and family other than my sister.  At the time, Hikami Sumire, Oozora Akari, and Shinjo Hinaki were her minions.  They were all under spells at the time.  However, I escaped when I was 13.  The spell on Hinaki broke, and she helped me.  After that, I found that cottage, and I got a job at your castle to cover up.  Not because I planned anything, but because I was paranoid.  Then I met you." He said.  "That's so sad.  You'll always have me." I said hugging him.  He hugged back hesitantly.  "Sometimes...I'm worried I'll lose you."  "Huh?" I said.  "Well....each of my friends had weird dreams before they died.  They would always dream about Grizelda visiting them.  Three days afterwards, they were found dead." Naoto said.  "So....dreaming of Grizelda is a sign you're next?" I asked.  He nodded.  "Do you think Hikami Sumire is as evil as you think?" I asked.  "Come to think of it, she's just another poor soul under Grizelda's spell.  The spells on Akari and Hinaki are long broken." He answered.  "No matter what people say about you, I'll always love you." I said.  "You're very sweet." He said.  He let his hand caress my face.  He moved some of my hair behind my ear and kissed me.  As usual, his lips were soft and cold.  "What're you doing?" Aoi's voice asked.  We pulled away as quick as we could.  "Are you okay, your highness?" she asked.  "Look here, touch our princess one more time and I'll knock your teeth in." Ran yelled grabbing Naoto's collar.  "I don't have time to deal with this, I'll see you around, Strawberry." He said before he teleported somewhere.  Jeez, what a night.

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