XIX: The Aftermath

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       Naoto was set down in his old bedroom by the guards. "Give him time; he'll wake up." The guard said. "Nao-kun!!" Queen Tiara yelled running in the room. She took his hand and started crying. "Why....? How did this happen...? Is he okay..?" She asked between tears. "He only overused his powers. Don't worry." One of the guards said. "Ichigo-chan, how did this happen?" She asked. I too, was crying. "He went up against Kazuhiko alone" I cried. Her face fell into shock. "Now way....That's dangerous. He didn't kill him did he?" She asked. "Why are you concerned about that dragon? Can't you see your brother was the one in real danger?" I asked. "It's just that....Kazuhiko is immortal. Everytime he dies, he comes back 5x as strong. If Naoto killed him...he'll come back." She said. I widened my eyes. "Ichigo-chan...there are so many things I've been wanting to say to you." Tiara-san said. "Oh?" I asked. "Since you and Nao-kun have gotten together, he's become a lot happier. No one has been able to make him smile until you came along. I think you're thawing out the ice shell he's had around himself for many years. You mean the world to him. He loves you, you know...?" Tiara said. I nodded. "He used to be distant from me....It's all got to due with what happened to his parents. But the story gets darker....I know stuff he doesn't." She continued. "Like what?" I asked.  "Me and Naoto may have the same mother, but we have a different father.  Not even my biological father, or step father know.  And Naoto's father is a dragon." She said.  "Are you saying Naoto is half dragon?" I asked.  She nodded.  "That isn't all....Kazuhiko was meant for the throne....but father, King Akihiko stole his birthright.  Kazuhiko was so enraged....that he wanted to get revenge in any way possible.  He was cast out of the kingdom....  Naoto was always the favorite child.  I always got ignored.  Which made Kazuhiko hate Naoto....So he decided Naoto would be his target.  Grizelda is no more than an assassin.   However, that's not all he wants.  He longer has interest in Dreams-Bloom Kingdom....No; he wants to take over the world and be a god."  I nodded.

        I couldn't believe it....Naoto is half dragon?  He opened his eyes slowly.  "Who wants to become god?" He asked rubbing his head.  "That's none of your concern, Nao-kun.  You've already done enough." Tiara-san said.  The tone in her voice was harsh.  It was like she was talking to a rotten teenager.   "Ichigo....promise me something." She said. I looked up at her. "Stay by Naoto's side until I get back. No matter how difficult.." She said. "If I break this promise, I'll swallow a thousand needles." I said.  "Guards, make sure to keep an eye on Nao.  And don't let him leave this suite." She said before walking out.  "What's going on?" Naoto asked.  "Your sister is just acting like a tiger mom, thats all." I said.  "Do I know you?" He asked suddenly.  "You mean you don't remember me?" I asked.  "Amnesia is common with people like him." One of the guards said.  "Naoto, when does your last memory take place?" I asked.  "I'm pretty sure I was nine and a half.  How long was I gone?" Naoto asked.  I held back on tears.  He doesn't remember...."Well....you're currently 22 years old." I said.  "Where are my parents?" He asked.  "They've gone away." I said.  "When will they be back?" He asked.  "They aren't coming back...." I said in a sympathetic and yet sad tone.  "I want them now!!!  This is an order!!" He yelled.  "You're ordering me?" I asked in a sharp tone.  "How dare you give me attitude. Learn your place; I'm a prince, you're a worthless servant.  Now bring them to me now!" He yelled.  "I don't know any other way to explain!! They're dead!!" I yelled.  His eyes widened.  "They're dead?" He asked.  I nodded.  "Get out." He yelled out of the blue.  I flinched.  "I said: GET OUT!!!" He yelled even louder.  "I hate you."  Those words shot me through the heart.

       "Sorry about that." The guard said as I was walking out.  "He was a cheerful boy all up until his parents passed on.  I'm one of those who don't believe that he's the murderer.  And when he said he hated you....keep in mind that this was child Naoto.  The Naoto you knew loved you above all." "Hey!! I heard that!!!  And whats up with this crap about some kind of old me?"Naoto asked.  "You're suffering memory loss.  The person you formerly were is who we're talking about." The guard said.  "Will he get his memories back?" I asked.  "Don't get your hopes up.  People who lose their memories from using too much magic take forever if at all to get their memories back.  You can pretty much kiss everything you had with him goodbye." The guard said.  At this point I could no longer hold back tears.  "I know this is hard....but the Naoto you once knew is as good as dead.  All that's left is a child living in his body." The guard said.  "W-whats your name?" I asked.  "My name? Jason." He said.  "It's nice to meet you.  Well...I guess I better leave before he yells at me again.  Later." I said walking out.  I burst into tears the second I was out of the room.  To think that the man I loved is as good as dead.

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