V. 2 Years Later

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"Time to wake up, strawberry."  Naoto said shaking me.  "Five more minutes"  I said putting a pillow over my head.  "If you want to train to be a witch, you'll have to wake up bright and early."  He said taking the pillow away. I gave up and sat up. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. "You can't do martial arts in those, I'll take you out shopping." Naoto said.

(Two Years Later.....)

He started off teaching me simple spells (like growing flowers and changing form) as well martial arts the first 2 months. The next 6 months we went on to sword fighting skills, I didn't learn any battle spells until a year afterwards. The year afterwards I passed my C,B, and now my A class exam. I'm currently in training for the S class trial. I've decided, to keep it a secret that I'm the Princess of the Starlight Kingdom, I'd call myself Strawberry. Since my crush calls me that name. Once I'm an S class wizard, I will return to the palace. But for the meantime I'm just a peasant girl wearing a red bow with her hair down....

"Strawberry, focus on your stealth." Naoto said as we were training. Once again, I couldn't catch his off guard. The trial he gave me today was to take a flag from him and give it to my best friend and an S class Witch who also helps me train, Lady Mizuki. I tried to teleport on the other side of him and attack, but as always he's too good for me. This time I teleported behind him so he'd turn around then I teleported to where we faced as he turned around. With that, I took the flag from his pocket and I ran up the hill to meet Mizuki. "Good job, today strawberry." Naoto said looking tired. Only Otome (Who's also a witch), Mizuki and Naoto know my secret. "I don't think I''m good enough yet." I said before taking a sip of water. "How about we give you another trial, just after lunch." Naoto said. I nodded. I've been training since 5:30am and now It's noon. "We'll start up again at 1:00." Mizuki said.

After lunch, Naoto decided to take me on an actual quest. It was exactly what I needed. Before I knew it, I've completed it, tired and worn out. Today was rougher than usual. The S class trial is only a week away. "Before you finish your day, I want to teach you one last spell." Naoto said. I nodded. He took me on a hike up a large mountain. "I want to teach you beast spawning magic. This'll be really quick." He said. I did as he instructed me, he said to close my eyes and hold out my hands. "Now, with full concentration, yell Magic Spawn...BEAST!!" He said as a beast walked out of the blue light he formed. I took a breathe and closed my eyes. "Magic....Spawn...BEAST!!" I chanted. I opened my eyes to see I spawned my very own beast. "Now, you can do the very same thing with any animal. just chant it's name instead of saying beast." He said. That gave me an idea. I closed my eyes, put my hands out together and chanted. "Magic...spawn DRAGON" Then a large dragon appeared. "What are you-" I pulled Naoto by the arm towards the dragon. I climbed on as he nervously did the same. With that the dragon lifted off. I couldn't believe I was riding a real dragon. I opened the portal towards the human world. I steered the dragon towards the palace. It was such a great view. The place I haven't been to in 2 years. "You must miss the palace don't you?" Naoto asked. I nodded. "But dreamville is my new home now." I said. Next the dragon took us to Eridanus village (where my mama lives) I got down and looked at the job request board. I took a look at one of the jobs, the job said "Bring home the lost princess". The reward was whoever found me first...marries me. "Naoto, look at this." I said. I couldn't believe it. How dare they? "Don't worry, I won't let that happen to you." He said tearing it up. What if....someone found out. God....I think I'm catching feelings.....

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