Rolling Solo

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Keaton’s POV

Around 4am we left Marley’s leaving Wes behind, he punched Drew in the stomach while half asleep. So we decided it would be safer if we left him.

We called for a car and got home, I would have loved to stay at Marley’s but I had meeting with J-14 magazine for a separate interview. I went upstairs to my room and went to sleep instantly. A few hours later I pulled myself out of bed and lazily went down to the kitchen where Drew was writing down in his booklet.  I took out a frying pan and made a simple egg and toast.

            After silently eating, I head back upstairs and blasted ‘Sweater Weather’ by the neighbouring. I got changed into my ‘Soft kitty’ T-Shirt and black jeans. I laced up my Red high tops and brushed my teeth. I went out to the car I called for a day before and headed to J-14 HQ. I trailed my way upstairs to the office and quickly put on my black ‘Meow’ snapback.

“Hi there I’m Jennie Fuller, I will be interviewing you today for the issue!” a girl with long blonde hair smiled flashing her braces.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Keaton Stromberg” I nodded shaking her hand.

She led me down a hallway to an orange relaxed room with other passed issues, big black sofa’s and a desk.

“This is my office, please, make yourself comfortable” she suggested.

I sat down on the sofa as she curled up on the other side with an Ipad, ready to ask questions.

            I was so nervous about this, what was I going to say? I never have done an interview by myself, especially for a magazine.

“So I’m going to start you off with simple questions… What is your favorite song on the debut album Nothing to Lose?”

“I really like ‘3000’ Miles, it’s pretty raw and it does have a lot of true feelings in it” I answered with ease.

She jotted some stuff down for the next few questions, each question getting more difficult. The palms of my hands started to sweat as I began to get nervous after a few challenging questions.

“So the final question that is on the fans mine is who is single in the group?” she asked looking up.

I realised she was only about 14 or 15 years old at most, she was young but acted so much older.

“Well Drew and Wes are single but I’m not, I do have a girlfriend. For 3 months now…” I swallowed.

“Oh yeah I heard she moved down here, it will be such a shame when you’re off touring and she’s stuck here at school” Jennie shrugged.

“It’s going to be a little awkward at first but it’s only for short periods of time, plus I believe our relationship could hold 300, 3000, or even 30,000 miles. If you’re going to let distance get in the way of your relationship and you won’t even try what is the point of it when you won’t risk anything?” I replied back sternly.

“Wow you really have some awesome relationship advice, wish my boyfriend would take some advice from you, but uh anyways…. That’s all the time we have, thank you so much for the interview!” she smiled showing me the door.

“Oh I have one question, how old are you? You seem so young but act so mature?”

“I’m 15 and I’m just a junior interviewer but it’s so awesome! I love my job!” Jennie shirked as I headed down the hallway. I said good bye and headed back to the house. A bunch of girls swarmed the car as I took off from the parking lot.

I headed out to the house after a long morning. This day had been so rushed I felt already tired, it was pretty cool to go see Hollywood a little more. It was a little lonely but I did not really care, I had been alone for lots of the time so I don’t mind the quite. Though it’s not really quite when you’re famous and being followed constantly. I don’t mind, I like meeting new people. On the way home I stopped off at a 7-11 and got some snacks quickly. A little while later I got home and sank down into the couch. Drew sat across strumming on his guitar and jotting down in his notebook.

“Hey Drew, where’s Wes?” I asked.

“He went jogging with Marley, they should be home soon” Drew muttered glancing my way.

“Oh okay…”

I kicked my feet up and turned on the X-Box, I was just going to relax for a little. The past few days have not been really exciting since we have the week off pretty much. A few interviews, photo shoots, you know…. child’s play. It has been so strange to not really have much to do; all management said was we need a break for a little before we go on our tour with Selena Gomez across the US.

            Soon enough Marley and Wes walked inside looking pretty beat. Well Marley looked beat, Wes still looked the same. Our conversation was just kind of small talk, Marley looked so tired. Marley headed upstairs as Wes sat down beside me,

“Hey Skeater-Pan, what’s up?”

“Just playing X-Box, what did you do today?”

“Well Marley and I went for a jog and then came here. Nothing big, she got yoghurt that was it. Nothing too fun just some jokes, and I had to carry her for a while.”

“Oh…” I muttered.

“I’m going in the pool okay?” Marley said marching down the stairs in a bright blue bikini.

“I will join you!” Wes piped up.

I pulled him back and rolled my eyes,

“She’s mine, back off.”

“Yeah whatever, sorry you know what girls do to me. LA girls are the best” he winked.

“Yeah well I’m from western Canada, so I don’t understand you connection. I’m downstairs okay? Peace out” Marley said showing a peace sign.

I paused the game and turned to Wes,

“Dude, why do you seem to keep like hitting on Marley? Every time she’s in a bathing suit you act like this. She’s my girlfriend yet you act like she’s not, what’s up with you? You’ve never been this way around my girlfriends.”

“Well I did not hit on your other girlfriends because were they really that hot? Dude you are lucky, we can’t get a girl even if we tried!” Wes said pointing to Drew.

“Leave me out of this...” Drew said looking up.

“Wes that’s not the point, you’re my brother and it seems like you like her or something,” I sighed, “Oh please doesn’t tell me you like her… Damn it Wes!”

“Keaton chill I don’t like Marley that way, I would NEVER try to score another guys girl, especially if it’s my awkward little brother. Marley’s just a friend and the reason I act this way is… well do you really need a better explanation? I’m a guy, I like girls, Marley is also happens to be a very pretty girl. I’m going to hang out with her, she’s also my friend. Haven’t you ever thought any of my girlfriends were pretty?” Wes explained.

“Yeah but it’s not like I had a crush on them…”

“See I think Marley’s pretty, awesome, chill and all that but it’s not like I have a crush on her.”

“Thanks Wes” I half smiled.

“No problem Keats, now you want to go surf?”

“Maybe later… I’m just going to hang out here for a while” I smiled resuming to my game.  

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