The End

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I know it is super short, I just have really really bad writers block. I'm writing an epilogue though so I hope you won't be disappointed. I'm going to write a super long epilogue so it will be uploaded on Friday. I'm so sorry! Hopefully the epilogue makes up for it!


Marley’s POV

So someone spent hundreds of dollars on me?

For what reason would anyone do that?

I sat down on the couch while I waited for Keaton. I was still so confused it felt like months before I could figure out what to do next.

-(Ha-ha bad writers block)-

I heard a knock at the door, Keaton was early. I got up and answered the door to see Luke.

“Luke I, I thought you were…” he cut me off with a kiss.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I yelled pushing him away.

“Didn’t you get my gifts?” he asked confused.

“That was you? Why did you spend so much money on me?” I yelled confused.

“I wanted to win you over, I was sure you wanted me back” he said.

“Luke I have a boyfriend, I don’t need a replacement or anything! If you think that you can win me over with money and presents you must be stupid. I’m so sick of you and your constant games and mind set to get me. Luke I DON’T LIKE YOU AND YOU HAVE TO GET OVER IT. I don’t even want to be friends anymore. You need to realize it’s not going to happen. I’m happy with Keaton and I think I love him” I cried.

“Marley, I’m sorry but I’ve never found a girl like you. You are perfect, I’m sorry it’s just I fell for you. I never wanted to hurt you or anything. I just wanted to be with you, I’m so sorry…” Luke whispered.

“I’m sorry Luke, but I just don’t think we can be friends anymore. I have to go, here take back the stuff. Give it to someone who deserves it. I know any girl would be lucky to have you.”

“I understand, and thank you. You have always been a great friend. I will see you around sometime hopefully.”

I’m so relieved that it is finally over. Luke is finally moving on. So much pressure has been taken off my chest, I’m so happy. Keaton entered the house and I ran to him jumping into his arms. He swung me around and saw me smile,

“It’s finally over!”

“What is over?” he asked puzzled.

“Luke moved on, he finally moved on!”

“Really, there is no more drama?” Keaton asked.

“Yes! I am so happy!”

“Well let’s celebrate with some gyros and ice cream.”

“It’s like you read my mind…” I smiled kissing him.

*Months later*

Finally I received my diploma and I was done school! My finally exams were a piece of cake. Luke moved on and now is dating a girl named Nicole, she is so pretty. I’m so proud of Luke; we are also becoming friends again. Wes and Chrissy are dating; they are such a cute couple. Drew proposed to Maya and I’m so excited! I’m helping plan the wedding but they are not looking to get married for a few years, maybe 2 or 3 possibly. Keaton and I are doing fine, same old. Right after grad Keaton said to me,

“I don’t care about anything else; I would run 3000 Miles to be with you.”

“I love you too Keaton” I smiled kissing him.

Finally we can be together…

3000 Miles: (FG Sequel) Emblem3Where stories live. Discover now