Maya's Secret

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Marley’s POV

It’s the weekend before Christmas and I am so excited!

I’m helping Luke host this big Christmas party and we have no school until the middle of January. The party is Saturday evening (Tomorrow) it’s going to be a blast! Music everywhere, dancing, singing, food, movies, and more! I was on my way to his house with Maya.

“So you excited to get ready for this party?” Maya asked turning off the radio as ‘3000 Miles’ began to play by HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED…( NO; NOT VOLDEMORT. Voldemort would have been a step up…)

That totally killed my mood and I slumped against the window.

“Yeah I guess, I’m just, I don’t know” I grumbled as we pulled up to his house. He lived in a big house in Huntington. We got out and quickly walked to the front door; I barged in yelling “I’M HOME!” at the top of my lungs.

Luke walked up the spiral staircase with some boxes and smiled instantly; I smiled back feeling a lot better.

“Sup Marley?” he said putting down the boxes and walking over to us.

“Nothing much, I hope you don’t mind I brought Maya to help. She loves planning parties and events.”

“It’s kind of my thing” Maya bragged.

“Well good, I really need your help! I want this party to go down in history!” Luke smiled cutely. Now that HE was gone, Luke seemed even cuter than before. His dark brown whiffy hair, that smile… he gave me shivers.

We headed into the living room and started putting up decorations. A few reindeer here, some mistletoe there, and BAM! It was done in no time! The house was fully decorated and ready to be occupied. There was fake snow, sliver tinsel, red and green streamers. It was one big bowl of Christmas!

“It looks awesome!” Maya squealed. Right then her phone rang and she looked at the phone a little nervous.

“I need to take this, excuse me for a moment.”

Luke and I just looked at each other as she went outside to answer her phone. I wonder what is up with her. She has been acting a little awkward the past week since she got a phone call and had to leave in the middle of our sleep over.

“I bet it’s nothing” Luke sighed as if he knew what I was thinking.

“Oh, okay” I muttered. Maya walked back inside and excused herself, leaving me and Luke at his house. Thanks Maya… Though why was she in such a hurry? I wonder what’s going on with her.

Maya’s POV

We finished decorating the entire house when suddenly I got a call. I looked down at my phone to see it was Drew. I was scared Marley would see so I excused myself to take the call.

“Hey Drew” I whispered after closing the front door.

“Hey Maya, what’s up?” He replied.

“I was just finishing decorating Luke’s house for a party they are having tomorrow!”

“That sounds awesome; I hope we can spend some time together. I was kind of hoping we could go out before. I would love to see you before Christmas” Drew said sweetly.

“I would love too but you know with Marley and everything I don’t think she would like it that I’m hanging out with one of his best friends.”

“So I’m not worth the risk of her possibly getting mad?”

“I never said that but…. Fine I will meet with you for dinner. Pick me up at 8” I sighed.

“I will see you later babe. Have fun decorating” Drew replied before hanging up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and headed back inside. I was going to have to hurry home so I can be ready in time. I said good bye and headed home quickly to get ready for my ‘meeting’ with Drew.

 When I got home I took a quick shower and primped myself. I put on smoky makeup, painted my nails red, and then curled my hair and pinned it back.

I put on a black and white striped velvet dress, red heels, and a matching red clutch. I sprayed a little Katy Perry Perfume and brushed my teeth. After giving myself a finally look I headed to the doorway. Within minutes Drew pulled up to my apartment. He was looking fine in a grey tux with his messy cute hair. I screeched as I walked through the door looking at Drew. He leaned against the shiny white Ferrari Wes had rented again.

“Oh fancy” I winked walking towards him.

“You don’t know how long it took to convince him to let me take it for the evening” Drew laughed opening the door for me.

We sat down and soon enough we were on the way to the restaurant. What an amazing evening it was. After eating supper we headed back to my apartment to drop me off.

“Thanks for supper Drew, it was amazing!” I cheered as we pulled up to my building.

“It was my pleasure; it was great being with you.”

 “Ha-ha, I can’t wait to see you again sometime” I smiled getting out of the car.

“Wait, Maya. I was gonna ask if, uh, you would maybe be my girlfriend?” Drew muttered.

“Yes, I would LOVE to be your girlfriend” I said kissing his cheek goodbye.

I waved goodbye and headed back into my apartment.

This was an amazing night!


Hey there! I will be posting another chapter ASAP so keep a close eye on my story!

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