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Marley’s POV

Finally Keaton has come home!

I was so excited to see him today, and especially since the Halloween dance was tomorrow. He promised he would go with me so I was quite excited to go. The only thing was I knew Luke was going to be there so I don’t know how Keaton and Luke were going to act with each other. I was a little nervous about that though, but the best thing to do right now is to be happy and celebrate.

            I waited at the west terminal for them to get off the plane. I stood there with a sign that said ‘Welcome Home’ and a little bundle of coloured balloons. Suddenly I saw Keaton walk out of the hall and I screeched running towards him with a great speed. He dropped his carry-on bag and lifted me into the air as we kissed. I was so happy and I felt like never letting him go, because all I wanted was to be with him.

Keaton set me down and grabbed my hand as we walked to get his bags off the baggage carousel.

“I missed you so much Keaton” I smiled kissing him.

“Marley, you don’t even know how much I missed you. Being with you just makes me so much happier” he said hugging me.

We picked up his bags and headed back to the guys place.

“Home sweet home” Wes sang opening the door.

Keaton and I headed up to his room so he could drop off his bags before we headed out.

“So how was England?” I asked as he put some clothes in his drawers.

“It was nice, kind of cold, not extremely sunny, and no you” he winked as I flopped down onto his bed.

“I’m cold…” I whispered.

“Well I can make you warm if we cuddle?”

I put my freezing feet under the covers as Keaton decided to join me. We just laid there with our arms around each other. I could tell we just really needed this, and I was just so happy to be with him after a long month.


It was Friday evening and I was getting ready for the Halloween dance. Keaton had bought me a “costume” and to be honest I was kind of scared to see what it was. Did Wes help him pick it? I don’t know what it’s going to end up being, so I just hoped it was at very most appropriate. I opened up the package and inside was a Jake the dog onesie that was matching to his. I smiled because I am actually a HUGE Adventure Time fan and it was also appropriate plus I love it!

            I put on the onesie and left my hair flowing into curly waves. The doorbell rang and I headed out to see Keaton standing there in his onesie. He opened the door and I kissed him. He was so adorable and he did his little cat nose makeup.

“Do you like your costume?” he asked.

“Well actually it’s PJ’s but I love it! It’s so soft and cute!”

“Hey do you want me to do the cat nose on you?”

“Yes please” I giggled as we walked to the bathroom.

Soon enough Keaton drew the nose on me and we headed to the school.

The gym was packed with people so we just went in and started dancing away. It was so fun and there was even a slow dance or two which was very romantic.

“Marley?” someone called.

I turned around to see Luke standing there in a zombie costume which was pretty sick.

“Luke; what are you doing?” I asked nervously as Keaton turned to face him.

“I was going to ask if you wanted to dance…”

“Dude back off, she’s my girlfriend” Keaton said angrily.

“Yeah but she’s my friend!”

“Well you tried to make her more when you KISSED MY girlfriend.”

“Sorry dude but she’s not property so stop trying to make her sound like it” Luke said back with force.

“She is not property but she is my girlfriend and you tried to steal her from me. So maybe you would know what it’s like to feel threatened. That someone is going to take the best thing that has ever happened to you away” Keaton snarled.

“Yeah, and it’s you!” Luke yelled shoving Keaton.

Keaton regained he balance and then all hell broke loose. They were shoving and fighting as people started to notice what was happening.

“STOP” I yelled pushing them away.

I pushed Luke away and grabbed onto the collar of Keaton’s onesie,

“Stop it you two! You are acting like animals, please just stop!”

“Marley I’m sorry” Keaton said grabbing on to me.

“Let’s go” I muttered taking Keaton’s hand.

We walked out to the car and headed back to my place, we were silent the entire way home. I could not think of anything to say to him, I was just confused and kind of worried. I never saw Keaton go off like that before. We walked up to my door and got inside. We sat down on the couch and then Keaton spoke,

“Marley, I’m sorry. I was just scared of losing you to that guy. I love you and I don’t want to lose you…ever.”

“Just shut up and kiss me” I said as he laid a tender kiss on me.

“No one can compare to you, and now… I know this is childish but let’s get some CANDY, though if anyone asks we are 15, alright!” I yelled as we got up grabbing some pillow cases. Then we headed out, acting like children we went trick or treating.

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