The Urban Dance Showcase

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Marley’s POV

After going swimming I got out and went upstairs,

Keaton was grabbing his surf board and standing at the front door.

“Oh hey Keaton, you going for a surf?” I asked wrapping my towel around me.

“Yeah you want to come with?” he smiled.

“Sure let me just grab a dry towel and some flip flops.” I ran upstairs and grabbed some stuff I needed along with a long t-shirt. I put my phone into a small beach bag and ran down the stairs back to Keaton.

“You ready to go, we are walking by the way” he smiled.

“Yeah I’m ready, to the beach!” I yelled jumping superman style out the front door.

Keaton smiled as we walked down the long pathway to the beach. Within a few minutes we arrived to see Wes already in the water. The beach was empty besides Wes and Drew who sat buried in the sand.

“Hey guys!” I called out as we walked down the beach towards them.

Wes came jogging up the beach from the water and joined us.

“You guys came to surf?” Wes asked.

“Keaton’s going surfing; I will be sitting at the edge colleting rocks because that’s how I roll!” I said trying to act cool.

Drew bursted out laughing as I slumped over,

“What collecting rocks is cool!” I laughed.

“Sure thing” Wes laughed as I pushed him playfully.

After surfing the guys brought me home and I went to bed. Tomorrow I had my first dance competition in months. I had been practicing anytime I could; I really hope I would do well this year.

I tucked myself into bed and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up early to practice my routine. I ate breakfast and then took a shower. I curled my hair and put on a little makeup, my brown hair was starting to look really light now. My hair was oh most looking blonde like because of the sun. I put on a stretchy black cheetah face tank top, a white blazer, and black stretchy leggings. I put on a blue wristband and walked to the front door to put on my black high tops. I let my hair flow over my shoulders and headed out the front door. I caught the first bus into LA towards the arena where the competition was being head. I signed in and headed backstage to warm up. I pulled out my phone and called Keaton.

“Hey Keaton” I smiled into the phone.

“Oh hey Marley what is up?” Keaton replied.

“Just at the Urban Dance show getting ready to perform. Are you going to come and cheer me on?”

“That’s today?!”

“Yeah it is… you forgot?” I said a little disappointed.

“I’m sorry; I have a meeting with our manager right now! As soon as we are done I will be there! When do you perform?”

“In an hour and 25 minutes do you think you can make it?” I sighed.

“Our meetings only an hour long, we are only 20 minutes away! I can try and make it!” Keaton yelled into the phone.

“Okay if you think you can, I better go…” I muttered.

“I’m sorry, bye Marley good luck!”

I hung up a little disappointed and started stretching. I talked to a few people I knew and kept warming up and practicing. An hour later we started getting people to perform. I waited anxiously at the edge of the stage. I checked my phone a few minutes before I was supposed to go on.

One new message from ‘Keaton<3’

‘Hey Marley I’m 2 minutes away! I will be there in a little bit!’

I smiled and tucked my phone away in my bag.

“Now give it up for Marley Windsor!” the host yelled. I took a deep breath and walked to the edge of the stage into starting position. I gave a final look into the crowd to see Keaton barge in threw the doors. I smiled as the music started to play.

(Watch the performance in the side! Marley does hip hop dance so look in the YouTube box!)

After my performance I ran backstage where I was greeted by Keaton with a bouquet of red roses. I sighed and took them from him,

“Aw you did not have to get me anything!”

“You deserve it, you did amazing!” he smiled giving me a hug.

“Thanks Keaton, now we just have to wait twenty more minutes until we hear our score.”

Keaton and I slipped into the audience to watch the rest of the performances. Soon enough they called us back onstage and one by one people were eliminated until it was down to the final three. I took a deep breath as I stood beside some good friends of mine as we were the final three.

“In third place we have… Christina Len! She is representing the Squared X troop!”

The other contestant Jack burn and I grabbed each other’s hands grasping them tight waiting for the news.

“In first place is…..” The host said with suspense, “Marley Windsor who is representing Canada Dance Crew!”

I pulled Jack in for a hug and smiled as he whispered,

“Good job, you deserve this!”

“Thanks” I smiled back as I turned to the host who handed me a glass ‘Urban Dance Showcase’ plaque. I hoisted it up in the air with a huge smile on my face. After thanking everyone I ran backstage and jumped into Keaton’s arms giving him a huge kiss.

“Oh my Lord I won! I won the showcase!” I screamed as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“You were amazing; of course you were going to win!”

“Thank you for coming to support me! This was amazing, I love you Keaton!”

“I love you too Marley” he sighed petting my hair as we held each other in a tight embrace.

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