Truth and Lies

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Marley’s POV

I got in the car and Luke followed bringing Maya’s keys. I just wanted to get home; what I said to Keaton was harsh and maybe not completely true. I still loved him as much as before but I had to let go. I can’t let him hurt me again.

Wiping tears from my eyes Luke started the car and drove off; I saw Keaton standing there with misty eyes. I really hurt him, but then again, he really hurt me. Why I was not satisfied? Maybe because I know how badly I hurt him.

“You okay Marley?” Luke asked taking my hand.

“No” I sniffled.

“Well how about I take you home and we can hang out?”

“That sounds fun I guess” I sighed.

We went back to my house and we sat on the couch. Watching movies, eating food, and drinking hot cocoa; which was actually a horrible idea since it was 90 degrees outside. We hung out all day trying to relax and cheer me up. I was still in Canadian winter mode since I’m so used to snow for like 9 months of the year. It was fun hanging out with Luke, but honestly I wish I was with Keaton. Don’t get me wrong, I love Luke like a brother or best friend but he always seems like he wants to be more. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.

“Um Luke we need to talk” I said turning off the TV.

“Uh sure, okay; what’s up?” he asked unsure.

“It’s about our relationship, you know it’s just a friendship right?”

“Oh yeah, right” Luke frowned.

“I’m sorry, I knew you liked me before but I’m just not ready for another relationship.”

“How did you get that from hanging out with you?” Luke asked a little aggravated.

“I’m sorry it’s just you seemed a little close, like you were making a move on me.”

“You know what, not every guy is in love with you when they say they want to hang out with you!” he said getting up.

“I’m sorry…”

“You think I’m in love with you, well sorry princess I have a girlfriend now. Just because you dated ‘Mr. Jackass’ celebrity does not make you irresistible to every guy. Goodbye Marley!” Luke said slamming the door behind him.

He just walked out angrily, and I just stood there taking his shit. He yelled at me like I was a spoiled princess who thought every guy loved her. I just thought he was hitting on me… When did he get a girlfriend?

Luke’s POV

What the Hell did I just do? First of all I LIED to Marley about having a girlfriend, and then lied and said I did not like her. I really like her and she still likes that jackass. I was such a jerk; I guess I just did not want her to dump me as a friend because I like her. She just does not love me and now I have to move on. I don’t know if I should tell her the truth or find a girlfriend fast. This is so confusing but I guess I will just tell her the truth since I don’t want to be a liar.

I went back in the house to apologize and told her I was just angry and that I lied. We made up and everything was good and dandy. On a good note I left Marley’s place and went to the skate park. I grabbed my board and walked down to the park. There were only a few people there which were good since I needed to clear my mind. I set myself up when I heard someone call my name. I looked around to see a guy walking towards me.

“Hey Luke can I talk to you?” the guy said.

I looked closely to see it was Keaton, the dude who I got some beef with.

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