Valentine's Day

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(Chrissy is played by Maia Mitchell..... Picture is on the side!)


Marley’s POV

It was Valentine’s Day;

Keaton had gotten a ride home from Wes last night are 2am so I could be by myself in the morning. I woke up late -around 11:30- then made myself a heart shaped fried egg using a cookie cutter, and a piece of toast. I checked my phone around lunch and saw a text from Keaton.

‘I will pick you up at 5 make sure you are hungry! Dress casual, bring some comfy clothes too.’

He defiantly knew I was not for the fancy romance stuff; I’m the kind of person to chill at home, not preppy dinners. I smiled to myself getting into a pair of black shorts and a loose ‘Hollywood’ tank. I left my face makeup less, put my hair in a ponytail, slipped on a pair of blue raybands and headed out with my board. I road to the pier and decided to just hang out by myself. The sun was bright and warm on my skin.

I skated around, got an Oreo frap from Starbucks then went to the dance studio. The studio was closed for today but we were allowed to use the studio whenever we please. I unlocked the door using the spare key I kept in my wallet and walked over to the main hall. I checked in at the instructor’s room then finally to studio A. I plugged in my phone and started to dance. After a few dances someone had come in. I was scared, was it Luke, what is he going to say now?

Luckily it was not, it was just a little kid. Why was he here on Valentine’s Day? When he left the little kid had dropped something, I ran after him but he was gone quickly. I opened up the box which had a little Pandora ‘dance shoe’ charm and a little note that said ‘Marley.’ Keaton had set that up a little boy to give me a valentine’s gift. How sweet! I love the charm; I had seen it once while I was at the mall with Luke one time. It was adorable and I wanted to buy it so bad but it was $80. I put the charm on my bracelet and closed up the studio. I skated back home and took a shower. I dried my hair, curled it, and did my normal neutral makeup. I put on blue jean short shorts, a black tank top, and black low top converse.

As I spritzed on some Katy Perry ‘Killer Queen’ perfume the doorbell rang and I jogged to the door. It was only 4:30 so I just assumed Keaton was early. Instead I was met by a GIANT bouquet of red roses.

“Hello is this, the home of Marley Windsor?” said the man holding the flowers.

“Yes, I’m her” I said shockingly.

“This is for you, just sign here please” he said handing me the clipboard. I signed it and took the huge bouquet of flowers.

“Happy Valentines” he smiled.

“Thank you, have a wonderful Valentines yourself” I called back. I smelled the 4 dozen red roses and placed them in a vase. I took a picture with my phone and sent it to Maya.

‘Look what Keaton sent me!’ I texted to her along with the picture; there was a card with “To my True Love, My one and only Marley’ and with the charm and the roses I knew it was Keaton. Keaton was such a sweet heart for doing this.

‘That’s adorable! Have fun on your date! I’m getting ready for mine with Drew! Talk later’ Maya replied.

A little while later Keaton had rang the doorbell.

“Happy Valentine’s day Marley” Keaton sang handing me a single rainbow coloured rose. I had told him I had always wanted a rainbow one! He got me more flowers?! I’m in love with this boy.

“More flowers? Thanks Keaton!” I smiled kissing him.

I grabbed my black and white Aztec bag with my comfy clothes and we went to the car.

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