Dance the Day Away

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Marley’s POV

The next day we headed back to our homes, I can’t believe I’m starting school tomorrow and Keaton is going on tour for a few weeks. I really hope we can pull this off, because if we can’t stand a few weeks how am I supposed to handle if they go off on an even longer tour?

I sighed as I took a seat on my couch beside my sister who was finally had come back from her trip.

“Hey Mar, why are you so down?” Michelle asked.

“It’s just about this whole dating Keaton, and school thing. Do you think it was the right thing to do?” I asked looking up at her.

“I can’t be the judge of that; it’s what you two feel, alright?”

“Thanks Mich, I’m going to go to the dance studio. I will see you later” I smiled heading back to my room. I slid on black low ride ‘Chachi Momma’s and a white tank top. I let my dirty blonde hair flow around my face as I put on an army green backpack and my leopard VANS. Before I headed out the door I grabbed my long board and my black ‘BEAT’ snapback.

            I skated up to the dance studio a few blocks away from my house. The studio was empty except for the lady in the main office. I pulled out my iPhone and stuck it in the doc. I blasted a few tunes to warm up, until a guy about my age walked into the studio.

“Nice moves girl, have a seen you before? You look familiar?” he smiled setting down his bag.

I turned off the doc and stopped to look at him. He had light short brown hair and was wearing a beanie. He was tall and just did not seem like the guy to dance.

“Um I’m not sure, I’m Marley, Marley Windsor from the….”

“Canadian Dance crew right, that’s where I know you from; you won the dance showcase like last week!”

“Yeah, I did.”

“You were amazing, can I get a picture?” he said nodding his head.

“Sure; and thank you, so are you a dancer too?” I asked shyly.

“Yeah not as good as you but I do dance some hip hop…”

“Ha-ha you should show me some moves” I winked as he set up on the middle of the floor.

He started busting out all sorts of pro skill moves and I was a little in shock. He did not seem like the guy to dance. 

“Wow you are good!” I exclaimed.

“I’m Luke by the way; I’m a volunteer dance instructor here. In fact my students should be arriving any minute…”

“Oh well I better get going then huh.”

“Why don’t you stay and you can maybe help teach and give a dance demo?”

“Are you sure, I don’t want to intrude on anything!”

“Oh come on, it will be fun” he smiled as a bunch of kids around 12-15 showed up.

“Okay but can I ask how old you are?” I smiled getting a sip of water.

“I just turned 18 two days ago, late bloomer and I’m a senior in high school. My parents held me back a year” he said as he set up the floor.

Soon enough the room was filled with about 20 kids and everyone was warmed up. After about a good hour Luke called the kids attention.

“Okay everyone, this is Marley and she is from the Canadian Dance Crew. She will be giving a demo for a little break for you guys. She won lots of trophies and she is amazing so I give you… Marley!” he said as everyone cheered.

I got set up on the floor as I blasted “Like a boy” and started dancing a small routine.

(Routine on side ----->)

After everyone started to pack up and head out, it was nice getting that reaction from a bunch of people.

I said goodbye to Luke and headed back to my place. Today was my last day of freedom so I headed down to the beach. All I was going to do is relax in the sun and swim. Nothing special, just a me day….


Luke is played by Ian Eastwood and is in the picture beside which is the 'Picture' they took!!

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