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Marley’s POV

A few days later I broke the news to Luke; he was NOT happy at all. I have not seen him. It’s been 3 weeks since I have seen him, he’s not at school, and he told the studio owner he was not feeling well the first week. Then he requested he worked with a new group and no longer with me. Sometimes I would text him to ask if he is okay, though he never replied to any of them. Keaton and I have pretty much went back to normal. Maya and Drew have been going out for a while and I can tell he REALLY likes her a lot. Wes is holding a party at their new apartment building and I have to help set up. It’s been pretty awesome hanging out with the guys and since its valentine’s day tomorrow I’m pumped to see what happens. Keaton said he is planning something but honestly I would rather just hang out at their apartment and eat food. I know; I’m so romantic right? No I’m just… me. I don’t like super romantic stuff. I just like being comfortable, I don’t want a guy to have to spend a whole lot of money on me. I don’t want to go dress shopping and get my hair done. I just want to wear what I want and chill.

“Earth to Marley” Wes said poking me.

“Sorry I was just thinking…” I muttered.

“Well can you think and help set up the party instead of standing in the middle of the room looking lost?”

“Shut up” I smiled tossing a throw pillow at him.

Keaton, Drew, and Maya walked in with a bunch of boxes mainly filled with decorations and food. After about 2 hours everything was 100% done so we all kind of just hang out. We ordered Chinese food and all just kind of sat was fun to just talk and eat. I love eating. Finally around 7 people started showing up and it got crowded quickly. About 60 people squeezed into their apartment and it was over flowing. I kept losing Keaton in the crowd until I finally pulled onto the balcony. Keaton shut the door behind us and I finally was able to get some fresh air. I already hated that party and it was only 45 minutes into it.

“This party is way too crowded” Keaton frowned.

“Yeah I know, thanks for getting me out of there” I said hugging him.

“Well we kept losing each other and you can hardly even hear in there.”

“True, how about we go and let off some steam. You want to ride our boards to the beach? We can catch the bus from there to Huntington and we can chill at my place?”

“Sure, let me go grab my long boards. You can ride one of mine” Keaton smiled as we prepared ourselves to go back into the apartment.

After a while we skated down to the bus station just west of the buildings. We caught the next bus to my place and relaxed there. I think we both just desperately needed to get out of there…

Wes’s POV

I saw Keaton and Marley take off. What buzz kills, they did not even want to stay for this awesome Valentines party I put together. Well actually it was like a normal party but just with actual decorations. It started getting REALLY late and some people started to leave. I was dancing around the living room when someone bumped into me splashing pop on my new shirt.

“Aw come on dude!” I groaned looking up to see a beautiful face. A short girl with a slender pale face, dark brown salt water hair, and perfect hazel eyes stood there. Her face was slender even if her body was not, she had a small bit of thicker thighs and stomach but honestly I did not care. Sure she was not super skinny but she was still fit. She was average sized, not skinny but not over weight by much at all. She was enchanting. I had never been so stunned by a girl’s beauty like this before.

“I’m so sorry!” she muttered blushing.

“It’s no problem…” I smiled trying to say more. I was tongue tied, “I-I’m Wes.

“Chrissy, nice to meet you Wes” she greeted back.

“Um, I’m going to go clean off.”

“Let me help you, I spilt it on you anyways” I said walking with me to my bathroom. She grabbed a cloth and started dabbing the stain after wetting it with water. I decided it would be best if I just took off my shirt to wash it as she left to grab something. I threw my shirt off to the side and look around for my other shirt I had left in here. She returned and then started blushing. She was staring at my stomach, maybe my abs had her stunned. That was quite unlikely though. She looked down at her own stomach and kind of let out a soft, insecure sigh.

I had made her insecure by seeing my abs, aw damn it.

“Chrissy, I’m sorry” I whispered slipping a clean grey sweater on.

“No its okay, I just, whatever…” she said creeping out of the bathroom.

“Are you upset? What did I do?”

“It’s not your fault, it’s just because I know that you are super fit, and I know that I’m not. I’m just really insecure about my body” she muttered.

“Why? You are perfect?”

“How could you say that? I probably weigh more then you. You are like 150 pounds at most and like 99% of that is muscle.”

“I know this sounds weird but you are perfect, you are not fat, you are great. I don’t care if you are super skinny. You are DEFIANTLY not obese. I don’t care if you don’t have twig legs, they are perfect. I also don’t care if when you slouch you get baby rolls. I had that for a really long time too. I wasn’t fit like this a long time ago” I smiled taking her hand.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yes, I think you are perfect okay?” I smiled kissing her cheek.

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