Disneyland and Secrets

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I accidentally deleted a part so instead of re-writing it I'm just going to say that Keaton and Marley decided to go to Disneyland for the weekend because she won a warhead candy bet. Warheads are extreme sour candies that like burn your mouth! They Hurt so much!

(Really long Chapter)


Marley's POV

The next morning I woke up really early, I had something on my mind that I really wanted to do.

I headed to the salon 3 blocks away and got my hair lighter. My brown hair was now pretty dirty blonde with a few normal brown low lights. I loved how the blonde and brown color styled gorgeously around my face. They curled my hair like I normally do before I headed home. I got home around 8:30am, I spent a whole 1 ½ hours at the salon.

"I hope Keaton likes my hair" I smiled to myself as I changed.

I slid on a grey silk tank top, black jean shorts, and my black TOMS. I put on a little makeup and strung on the necklace and bracelet from Keaton. I loved them so much and I cherished it. It truly was one of the best gifts I had gotten from anyone.

I looked in the mirror and took a photo before uploading it on instagram, tagging 'Got my hair colored, I love it so much!'

I heard a knock on the door and headed over to see Keaton standing there in a grey t-shirt, black jeans, and a turquoise beanie. I smirked as I looked at his clothes...

"We're matching..."

"I guess so, and wait a second... your-your hair? It's blonde?" Keaton looked with a half smirk.

"You like? I love it so much! I feel so pretty!"

"What are you talking about you 'feel' pretty? You are always pretty, actually you're gorgeous!" Keaton smiled as I locked the door.

"Stop flirting" I giggled as we got into the car with my bag.

We drove to Disneyland in a regular black car and when we were arrived we were surrounded by security. The public tried to look and see what all the commotion was about. I gulped as we entered the grounds and fans started to swarm us slightly.

"It's Keaton Stromberg! Can I have a picture!?"

"Keaton, Keaton! I bought you a cat!"

I sighed as Keaton gripped my hand,

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just wish it was not so, full."

"Well Disneyland is always filled with people. Just ignore it okay?" he smiled.

"Can we lose a little security? I can't see where we're going" I chuckled. A few security left until there was only 3 around us. We headed towards Space Mountain, and other rides.

A few hours later we stopped for lunch and talked,

"Are you having fun?"

"You bet! There is one thing though" I winked.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"No I just saw something and I want to show you!" I giggled as I pulled him towards Main Street.

We weaved in and out of shops until I found it.

I pointed towards the hat machine where you could sow your name into a mickey hat.

Keaton laughed and grabbed us two hats,

"To us" he laughed.

"To us" I replied handing it to the lady behind the counter.

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