My Distraction

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Marley’s POV

We headed to the address just to scout out the area.

I don’t know what I was doing, they were not even there, and I just needed some comfort. Knowing they really are not gone, truth is they are closer to Huntington Beach than before.

“Are you okay?” Maya asked as we headed back to my place.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just need to move on I guess. He obviously does not want me, so I will just make the best of it I guess” I sighed.

“Well I better go, you need something?” she asked.

Right then my phone buzzed,


“Marley, I know you don’t want to talk to me but I need help. I know Keaton won’t want you too but…”

I knew who this was; it was Luke, one of my dancer friends. Well not really since Keaton and Luke got into the fight.

“Keaton broke up with me” I muttered

“What, how could break up with you!?”

“So, uh, what do you need?”

“I need help teaching the youth group, the uh, new volunteer never showed up. They just got back from a show in Ohio and they are quite rowdy. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I can’t handle them” he muttered.

“I’m on my way, bye Luke” I said before hanging up my phone.

“So I need a ride to the studio, but I need to get my dance bag first” I giggled to Maya.

We headed to my house and I grabbed my bag, just before I changed into my clothes. I slipped on a pair of charcoal chachimommas, (drop crotch dancer sweats) a white Tee, then a cheetah tube top underneath, and my black VANS. I put on a red ‘Wild’ snapback and put the bag over my shoulder.

“Let’s go!” I yelled locking the front door then running swiftly to the car.

Maya drove me to the studio and I ran inside to assist Luke.

The room was covered with antsy 10 to 14 year olds who were going crazy; in the far corner Luke sat with his face buried into his hands.

“Get down a give me twenty!” I yelled as everyone dropped to the floor.

Everyone started doing push ups as I walked over to Luke,

“Hey there partner” I smiled as people started to finish up.

“Thank you so much for coming” Luke smiled hugging me.

“So let’s get started!” I giggled walking to the front.

“Okay everyone listen up! I hope you remember who this is from last time! I know some people were absent that day so this is Marley! She is an AMAZING dancer and she is here to put you guys into some action. Make sure you listen because if you do good today and work extra hard she will do a little routine for you guys” Luke yelled as everyone gathered on the floor.

“Hey everyone thank you for having me, I hope you guys are awesome. I can’t wait to dance with you guys!” I said to the crowd of people.

“I know you! You won the urban dance showcase a few months ago!” a girl shouted.

“Oh me too, you are so good!” a bunch started muttering through the crowd.

“Well that’s good, so everyone start stretching while we sort the plan for the day!” Luke said as we went to the office.

We discussed for a good 5 minutes and then finally Luke told me to just teach them some new steps. To do a workshop for them, teach them a new routine and everything that goes along with it.

After the kids stretched we went straight into learning the steps to the dance, they caught it really quick. Within 2 hours they had it down perfectly, they were truly great dancers. Especially for how old they were; so young, yet so great!

Finally it was oh most done and I performed my dance routine; hearing them with their loud cheers and screams made me remember why I loved dancing so much.

Maybe this was a wakeup call, telling me to peruse my dancing career. I don’t know much about my calling but I knew dance distracted me from my pain. The pain Keaton had caused in my life, hurting me like that. Something went on and I don’t know what. All I know is that I felt better and this was something I loved, more than Keaton.

Ugh why do I keep comparing everything to Keaton!? I really need to dance more and get my mind off of the jerk. He broke my heart; all I need is to throw myself into my love of dance.

After Dance Luke and I cleaned up the studio and headed back to my place. I really just needed a friend who could distract me. Maya came over too and we just chilled out in front of the TV watching movies and shoveling ice cream into our mouths.  We ordered Italian food, went swimming, went skateboarding, and danced in the basement. My sister had totally tricked out the basement for me so I could dance down there. She set up giant surround sound speakers, lights of different colours, a bar fridge full of my favourite healthy dance snacks I loved, and even a closet with a bunch of my dance clothes. It was a walk in closet with a bathroom attached, so just in case.

She had tons of brand new VANS and low tops for me. Tons of clothes and everything! Dad had given her money to trick out the basement for me but she went above and beyond. I was actually really happy.

Luke, Maya, and I danced before he left back for home and we went to bed.

I had school tomorrow right before Christmas break.

So yeah, it was quite sucky, but who cares. Maya had finished high school so she just had to hang around, but she had to find a job sometime soon. So I was going to help her, I also joined as one of the leaders with Luke at the Huntington Beach Crew studio. I was pretty excited, tomorrow was my first day as an official leader.

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