This Can't Be Real

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Marley’s POV

The past few weeks have been a wreck, I miss Keaton like crazy. I promised him I would not bug him for 2 weeks so he could focus. It was hard though, to resist talking to him. Though it’s been 2 weeks and I’m going to call him tonight, they had finished in Brazil, then they were heading to London. They should be arriving in a few hours. I looked around my room, it was early, about 9am or so. I slipped out of bed and walked to the kitchen, I just ate. I was so tired and so frustrated, I had no one to be with. I decided to try calling Tyler, (Keaton’s friend, and my friend too)

“Hey Sea-Panda, what’s up?”

“Hey Seahorse” Tyler chuckled into the phone.

“Seahorse, are you really calling me Seahorse?”

“Hey it’s the best I could think of, okay?”

“Can’t you think of anything else?” I laughed.

“Well, what about Water Walrus?” Tyler laughed.

“Seahorse it is” I smiled into the phone, while taking a bite of toast.

“Anyways what’s up?” Tyler asked.

“Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, I have not really gotten to hang out with you…”

“I would love to, but I have to take Ally to the doctors, she’s sick. We can hang out like after supper though, it will be fun!”

“Okay, text me later then, see ya Sea Panda” I smiled before hanging up.

I headed to my room to get changed and clean up.

I put on my jean distressed short, a white tank top, and a blue crop hoodie. I did my hair and makeup before sliding on my black VANS. I was going somewhere, I just did not know where. I grabbed my skateboard and headed to the pier, maybe I would meet some lonely pigeons who want to hang. Maybe get a sandwich with me or something. I got to the pier when someone tapped me on the shoulder; I turned around to see Luke standing behind me. His brown whiffy hair was tucked under his beanie; he was actually pretty cute to be honest. Not as cute as Keaton though, well maybe, I’m not really sure.

“Oh Hey Luke” I smiled.

“Hey Marley babe” he winked.

Why do guys keep calling me babe, this is getting weird.

“Okay then… What you up to?”

“Not much, just chilling by myself, I’m pretty bored. Maybe we should hang if you’re not busy” Luke suggested.

“Sounds like fun, do you want to get ice cream?”

“You know me so well already” he smirked.

We walked into the nearest ice cream shop and ate; it felt kind of cool to hang with someone who knows what it’s like to be a dancer.  We chatted for a few hours then went to the dance studio around 4pm.

            We started dancing and teaching each other some moves, it was pretty cool. We even made our own retune, which I think was really good. We sat down on the floor drink juice boxes like little kids when Luke smiled at me awkwardly.

I laughed snorting juice out of my nose onto the floor, I was so embarrassed I turned bright red and grabbed napkins wiping it up.

“It’s okay Marley, I made you laugh, and you don’t have to be embarrassed because you pretty much just sneezed out juice. We are friends right?” he smiled looking into my eyes.

“Yeah, friends…” I muttered.

“Marley, I know about your ‘boyfriend situation’ but would you go to the formal in 2 weeks?” Luke asked.

“I would love to Luke; I think it will be fun. Though I have to go, my friend Sea-Panda, err I mean Tyler and I are supposed to hang out after supper. I will see you at school tomorrow though, happy Sunday!” I smiled walking to the exit.

“See ya later Mar” he smiled hugging me.

We hugged and pulled away to face each other when something happened, we both had leaned in and we kissed. After a few seconds of realization I whipped myself away,

“I have to go, bye” I muttered getting out as fast as I could.

I grabbed my board and left as fast as I could, going all the way to my house, wiping my lips.

No frickin way did that just happen; sure Luke is cute but, Keaton. He would be heartbroken if he found out I kissed some other guy. I don’t even like Luke that way; it just kind of happened you know. I know that for sure though I was no longer going to that dance with him. How was I going to tell Keaton?

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