Forget You

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Keaton’s POV

After a long day of interviews I was pooped; so tired and could not even stand anymore. We finally got home and I lay in bed, it’s been 1 month since I saw Marley. Damn it! She keeps getting into my head, I hated this. I missed her so much, I just want her but I was not allowed to see her. What was I going to do if I try to get her back? She would never believe me if I told her why I suddenly just “Forgot” her.

I just wanted to see what she was up to, see maybe if she still missed me as much as I missed her. I looked up her Instagram to see a bunch of photos of her recently from the past 3 weeks. The oldest photo of her dancing to a crowd of people, then a photo of her eating a slushy with the caption “Look at this beauty; Marley you should never leave your phone unlocked~ Luke”.

I got a little upset as I scanned the photos more, her hugging that stupid guy Luke while wearing matching hoodies; then them being all goofy. I looked over to the last two pictures, her and that guy posing. She looked amazing in a long pink dress, just plain amazing. I wish I could have been with her, but I’m starting to think maybe she really has moved on.

I looked at the last photo which was taken 20 minutes ago, my heart stopped and I frowned. No caption on the photo, just a picture of Marley and Luke kissing. I cursed as I chucked my phone across the room.

I hung my legs over the edge of my bed and buried my face in my hands. Why did I ever let her go, I loved her and now she loves someone else. She’s gone, she is truly gone.

“I hate you Luke” I hissed picking up my cracked phone.

“Damn it” I spit looking at the screen.

(Marley's Instagram Pictures on the side)

Marley’s POV

Its officially 2014 and I spent so much time with Luke, we are getting closer and it’s kind of nice. Maya forced me to come on a dumb date and be the third wheel while she’s with Drew. I think she just wants me to be with her.

Drew and Maya have been dating for 3 weeks and since her parents can’t meet him I’m like replacing them.

            I invited Luke because I don’t want to be lonely while they make out, Luke was more than glad to accompany me. I put on a black dance hoodie and my white jean shorts. I slipped on my black VANS, curled my hair like normal with my normal everyday makeup.  Today just felt like being my normal self and I knew Luke would not care, plus Drew knows me. I don’t need to make an impression.

            We all got into Maya’s car and went to the frozen yoghurt shop. We saw Drew sitting at a table alone. We sat down when Drew gave me a bit of a nervous look. What was his problem, did I really look that bad? Maya and Luke said I looked amazing so maybe it wore off. Just then I heard a voice from the background….

“Hey Drew do you want a….” the voice said.

I looked up and saw Keaton standing there. Both of us looked at each other for a moment.

“Marley…” Keaton whispered.

“Um I have to go” I said getting up with Luke.

“No wait Marley stop, I need to talk to you!” Keaton called.

I stopped in my tracks with tears in my eyes,

“Oh so now you know my name? Well thanks a lot. You embarrassed me, people laugh at me while I go down the halls because of you. You ruined me Keaton; you did not even have the decency to say why, or even TELL me. You just left and never spoke to me again, like what did I ever do to you?!”

“Marley I miss you, I don’t want to lose you. Please come back to me, you are the only thing I really care about. You are in my head constantly. I love you Marley!” Keaton yelled following me out.

“Stay away Keaton, I DON’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE! I don’t care about you anymore. Do whatever you want, make out with any girl you like. Don’t ever talk to or about me again! I’m done! Come on Luke” I shouted walking across the parking lot.

“Please just listen!”

“Forget it Keaton, and forget you.”

Keaton ran to me and kissed me, pushing away I shoved him,

“I hate you Keaton” I hissed coldly.

Luke pushed Keaton away and we left quickly. Thank God I have Luke, he truly is a great friend.

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