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Marley’s POV

The next morning I woke up and headed over to Luke’s quickly. We had lunch and made sure everything was ready to go; pizza, drinks, entertainment, and everything else.

“You excited for tonight?” Luke asked while putting the pop on the counter.

“Yes, I’m pretty excited. I hope everything goes smoothly” I chuckled while filling the ice; there was only 3 more hours until the party.

“Don’t jinx it, now you may want to hurry up and get ready. We are done here” He smiled sending me upstairs.

I opened my bag and started prepping. Luke let me use the shower and for a good half an hour I stood there singing my heart out. Once or twice Luke came to the door and asked to keep it down because he was on the phone. Oops. After my shower I got dried up and did my makeup. I went with a natural brown look with bright pink lips for color.

I then curled my dirty blonde hair and slipped on my dress. It was a silky pale pink strapless dress;  it was beautiful.

I put on matching heels and headed downstairs about 2 hours later. Luke was sitting on the stairs as I walked out towards him. I spun around and he smiled,

“You are…wow, you are gorgeous!”

“Thank you, you’re not too shabby yourself” I winked.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a selfies of us then posted it to instagram.

(Selfie of Luke and Marley on side)

I put my phone away and soon enough people were arriving with secret Santa gifts and partying. Within an hour the house was packed with our friends and strangers. After 3 hours I located Maya and Luke, we danced all evening long. Finally around 11 a bunch of us went to the back room to play a game of ‘Truth or Dare’ and I was so excited.

We all sat in a circle and started to play, first to ask was a girl named Lindsay,

“Um Luke, Truth or Dare?” she asked.

“Truth” he smiled sitting beside me.

“If you have a crush on a girl, describe her to us, like why do you like her?”

“Well I like her because she is fun, she is smart, and all together an amazing person. She always makes me smile and even though she’s been through a lot she still seems to be the most cheerful person. I’m happy to know her” Luke smiled looking at a girl to my right.

I think he has a crush on her, she was really pretty though; much prettier than me for sure. Luke looked across the room and spotted Maya,

“Maya; what do you chose, truth or dare?” Luke asked.

“Truth that’s for sure” she smiled.

“Okay how about you tell us the biggest secret you are hiding. Even one you would be hiding from Marley…”

Maya’s face turned white and she frowned,

“Uh do I have to?”

“You joined this game so you have to tell us the biggest secret.”

I was a little offended Maya was hiding stuff from me but I have hid stuff from her before. Usually I would end up cracking like a few days later and tell her but I still tried.

“Well I-I-I’m dating Marley’s Ex-Boyfriends band mate…” she muttered looking at me.

She was dating Drew, she never told me, and I could not believe it. She said she would never have any connection to them at all. She went behind my back, but the thing that hurt me the most is that she hid it from me.

“How could you” I cried getting to my feet.

A tear escaped my eye and I headed upstairs.

“Marley come back!” Maya called after me.

“I can’t believe you would hide that from me, I thought we were friends?!”

“We are, I just did not want you to be mad. I really like Drew and I want to be with him. Ever since my last boyfriend I felt lonely, and Drew was there and he made me feel like a queen. He treats me so well and I just want to be with him Mar, I’m sorry. I should have told you…” Maya said holding me in a hug.

I know I over reacted, and if this was true I should let her be happy. I knew I had to forgive her.

I pulled away and smiled through my tears,

“I’m sorry I’m overreacting. If Drew truly makes you happy then whatever, I will be happy for you. As long as I don’t have to see you know who…”

“Really, are you sure?!” Maya said happily.

“I’m sure,” I smiled hugging Maya, “Know let’s get back to that party!”

We went back down to the group and apologized for what happened.

Soon enough after a while it came to me…

“Marley, truth or dare?” a girl asked.

“Dare!” I called out with a smile.

“I dare you… to kiss Luke and post a picture of you kissing on instagram” the girl squealed.

I looked at Luke and he shrugged,

“It’s a dare, I don’t mind.”

I laughed and leaned in. We kissed for a few seconds while snapping a picture. The kiss was fine but I was kind of too occupied to even really notice if there was sparks or not. I smiled and posted the picture on my account before locking my phone again…


Hey there! I have had people ask who is playing Luke?

Well it is Ian Eastwood, Chachi Gonzales real life Ex-Boyfriend. I'm sad they broke up since they were so cute together ugggh!

Anyways look him up if you please!

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