chapter 4 part 2

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Well what happend, "izuna asked" I'll tell you once we get to the house OK. OK then izuna said. "what's up with her today she seems happier then usually" Come on izuna hurry up. After they visited the dumping shop and had dinner at home yuno was washing the dishes before she put haru to bed. Haru time for bed. "OK kaa Chan haru answers". As yuno was putting haru to bed haru asked about his father again. Right before izuna enters the room he heard haru and yuno talking to each other. Kaa sama can you tell me about my papa haru asked. With out yuno realizing what she was doing since she was in a really happy mood she decided to tell haru about his father. OK haru, well let's see where do I begin oh I know. Well you see your father was a uchiha just like you haru. Waite she's talking madara izuna thinking to him self. Also when your father and I where little he wrote me a letter two like you did for yuki. But before yuno continued hard was out like a light. Before yuno walked out of the room izuna went outside and sat on the stair step to the front door. Izuna what are you doing sitting out here yuno asked. 😒 "what do you want" izuna aside in a rude tone. Hay is something wrong. Did you see madara today by any chance. WHAT! Yuno said turning red. 😳 no why she asked. What was on that note haru wrote. Oh um here's the letter. Once izuna was done reading he said something rude. Why you getting so happy about something as stupid as this. What it just reminds me of the letter madara wrote for me when we were younger. there you go again madara madara izuna said getting really upset. So what why dose it matter izuna really are you OK. What do you mean why dose it matter. He said starting raising his voice. BEFORE MADARA CAME BACK YOU TALKED ABOUT HIM AS IF HE WAS TRASH. AND NOW THAT HE IS BACK YOU TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE YOU NEVER HATED HIM. Izuna what are you saying, "yuno said starting to get scared". I am saying do you still love madara. Izuna I can't answer that. Why not what you do. NO ITS NOT THAT IT'S JUST I DON'T KNOW WHAT I FEEL TWORDS HIM OK. WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ANYWAY. "Yuno said starting to get really mad", BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU YUNO. Right after those words came out of izunas mouth yuno just froze in shock. Izuna, you know what forget it I am going home. Wait IZUNA, yuno cried. But izuna was gone. As yuno was standing their alone it started to rain. Then yuno started to cry because of all of the stress. But one thing she didn't know was madara was standing their and saw and heard every single word they both said. so do you love izuna back madara said standing their. How long have you been standing their madara, "she said as tears went down her face". Long enough to know every thing so far. And is haru really my son he asked. But she replied in a rude way. "SCREW YOU MADARA GO TO HELL" yuno screamed then went back inside.

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