First meeting

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Freddy Krueger~ You were utterly terrified, not sure what was going on or what to do. The boiler room was humid and hot, steam filling the air. The man's sinister grin looked more and more dangerous the closer he got. His body was scarred, the tattered sweater and wide brimmed hat matching the rest of him. You were having dreams like this often, they almost felt real. His dark eyes lost all shine to them as he raises the glove above his head, ready to strike down on you. You quickly dodged his hit, grabbing his face and lifting your knee. His nose crunched under your leg, blood trickling from his nostrils. The adrenaline was all too real, it was hard to tell if this was a dream or not.
He stumbled back, raising his hand to the now broken nose. "You bitch!" He screamed a deep, demonic voice. Shudders immediately traveled down your spine as you ran, your adrenaline pumping fast. His laughter followed you quickly, his hand grabbing your wrist. You let out a scream before jumping up, panting loudly. Your bedroom was dark and gloomy, the blankets knotted around your legs. You shook your head before laying back down, looking up at the ceiling until sunrise. "It was only a dream.."

Jason Voorhees~ You and your family had been camping out at Camp Crystal Lake, including all your aunts, uncles, and cousins. It had been pretty enjoyable for a while, until your older cousins started picking on you. You didn't like the comments they were making or the way they were treating you, which led to where you were now. Alone. In the dark. In the middle of the dangerous forest. You only wanted a quick walk to calm you down, not to get lost. You continued to tread down the trail to get back to your family, but no success. Your heart began to beat faster with anxiety as you looked around, finding something you wish you hadn't. A man, tall and muscular, with a dirtied hockey mask and bloodied machete made his way towards you. Fear penetrated through, you couldn't seem to move. He stopped before you, his menacing figure lurking above your own. You put your hands close to your chest to protect yourself as best as you could, sucking in an airy breath before asking "Please, do you know where the campgrounds are?" He turned his head to the side in a hostile fashion, either in confusion or to threaten me. He nodded towards the path on the left before walking away, leaving me to get back to my safe, warm tent.

Michael Myers~ You smiled at the children in the living room, continuing to clean the kitchen. You were babysitting your neighbor's kids tonight, Laura and Zöe, while she was out of town. You weren't getting paid much, but you didn't mind. You enjoyed their company. You continued to wash the dishes by hand, when you felt strong arms go around your waist. They spun you around before pressing a large butcher knife to your throat, the man looking sinisterly evil. He was tall, my was he tall. He had a simple white mask with dark eyes peering out them, and he wore a navy blue mechanics suit and work boots. He could kill you in only two seconds..if he wanted to. You simply stared up at him, waiting for him to do his worst. "I didn't care if I get killed, really I don't. It doesn't make much of a difference to me. Just..don't hurt the children. Please." You whispered to him quietly, not wanting to alarm the happy girls in the living room. His hand began to shake with weakness, as if he had just lifted two hundred pounds at a time. He pulled away from you before leaving the house and entering the dead of night, disappearing behind the street lamps.

Ghostface~ You were home alone, the only soul around being your much loved dog (or cat). Your parents had recently moved you to the countryside, there was nobody for miles. And after only three weeks of living here, they decide to go off to a romantic getaway without you. Losers. "Whatever, I am my own company after all. And that's all I need in this creepy..barren house.." You said to yourself, pulling your pet closer to your side. Okay, maybe you were a little scared, but who wouldn't be? So when the phone rang, you were a little jumpy. It couldn't have been your parents, they were still on the plane ride. Who could it be? You picked it up, an unfamiliar, nasally voice asking "What's your favorite scary movie, YN?" You arched your eyebrows, not sure how they knew your name. "I don't know, I have a lot of favorites. Probably Child's Play, or Paranormal Activity. No, no, I take that back. My favorite is Hostile, that one's the best." You replied. There was a long hush before the person replied "Oh, uh, really? That's mine too!" You continued the conversation on horror movies and horror stories, never asking who it was. Yet, the voice got softer and more gentle with every minute that you spoke.

Leatherface~ "God, why is this thing so heavy?" You shouted at your father. Your stepmother had just passed away, therefore you were moving cross country to mourn her death. Dad couldn't seem to get over it, but you could. She was always so mean to you. "It's real oak wood, that's why. Stop messing around and get that into the living room, quick." He snapped sternly, going to the movers truck to hand him money and thank him for all the hard work. "Yeah, thanks a lot." You grumbled under your breath, still having trouble trying to move the gigantic coffee table. You tried a couple more times, when you felt someone lift it with you on the other side. You looked up, seeing a tall, portly man with crazy dark hair. He wore a suit and had a very strange mask on, you weren't sure what it was made of or what it was supposed to be. He helped you set the table in the middle of the room before you turned to him "Thanks a lot. I couldn't have gotten that in myself." You smiled. He grunted and nodded nervously. "I hate when he bosses me around like that.." You added, referring to your dad. The man nodded again "I know what you mean." He murmured in a deep, troubled voice, leaving the house and walking away.

Hannibal Lecter~ You were pretty concerned with the way he was looking at you, as if you were fresh meat. You were waiting at the bus stop, sitting across from the strangest man you had ever seen. He was pale, and frightening. With beady blue eyes that stared straight into my soul. He looked intelligent, and of a gentleman's stature, but still very troubling. "What is your name, dear?" He finally spoke. "YFN, YLN, what is yours?" You politely responded. He flashed an ominous grin, inching closer. "Dr. Hannibal Lecter. A pleasure to meet you darling." He purred, kissing your hand. You blushed and looked away, not wanting to engage in anymore conversation with the strange man. "What is your greatest fear, YN?" He asked. "Why?" You responded. He smirked and shrugged, sitting back in his seat. "I just simply want to help you." He surly nodded. "I don't need help, you need help. Flirting with young girls at the station is quiet strange you know." That broke him, he laughed jubilantly. "Don't leave a bad taste in my mouth." He smiled as you walked away from him, taking a seat elsewhere as he continued to stare at you from afar.

Norman Bates~ You had a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach, waiting for someone to greet you. The empty motel was empty and dark, not a soul around. You rung the bell again, frustrated, when someone finally appeared. He was tall and pale with a thin build, cute as a button. He had dark hair and dark eyes, and wore a crisp button down shirt. "I'm sorry about t-the wait ma'am. It w-won't happen again, I p-promise." He whispered. "It's alright. Are any rooms vacant tonight?" You asked with a sweet smile. He nodded, avoiding eye contact with you before grabbing a jingling key. "Follow me." He said, leading you to a long hallway. "What m-made you come h-here anyway?" He asked over his shoulder. "Oh, well, I'm visiting my grandmother. She's sick, my family asked if I could take care of her. I'm just stopping for the night." You explained. "Oh." He replied, stopping at a tall, wood door. He pushed it open, making you see that it was darker than the lobby. He led you in, pulling a stack of towels from the closet and setting it on your bed. "Don't I need to fill any paperwork out?" You asked him. "N-no." He replied, showing himself to the door. "Goodnight!" You called out before he could close the door. He looked up shyly, finally looking at you. His eyes went wide as he sheepishly smiled. "Goodnight."

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